29. pale

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Toms Pov.:

He got ready to do the scene again when Timmy approached him.

"Hey what's up mate ?" Tom asked.

"Just wanted to ask because i wasn't here the last 2 days how filming is going ?" he asked.

"Oh great i think ? The best it can be. We will film these scenes today and tomorrow and we did film the for the last 2 days. Love to fake hit my wife every day." he said sarcastic.

"Understandable. But what i also wanted to ask is if Y/N is okay ? I don't know mate, but she looked a bit pale." Timmy said.

"Well it's early in the morning so i don't know. But before we got here she looked fine. Maybe they put on some different makeup." he said. "But i will check in her, thanks mate."

"No problem, man. They actually want you to set now." Timmy said and both went back to set. He walked over to Y/N and she actually looked a little pale.

"Hey love." he said and put his arms around her waist, while she smiled at him.

"Ready to do it again ?" she said sarcastic.

"Always. But do you feel okay ? You look a bit pale." he said cornered.

"Oh no, i'm okay. Probably just too early for me and wiht no coffee i'm still tired." she laughed it off.

"Okay than let's do this." he winked at her.

Y/N Pov.:

Actually i felt a little weird since this morning. I don't know what it was but i didn't felt that great. It was probably just because it was 5 am in the morning, with no coffe. But the show must go on.

Tom and i filmed the scene again until it came to the part where he would hit me.

*scene start*

He moved his hand up and slapped her right across the face. The room went quiet. She didn't dared to look at him, beeping scared the she find pleasure in his eyes.

"You- I." he started but now she snapped. She took the knife that laid on the counter and pointed it at him. "Whoa whoa whoa what are you doing ?"

"I'm sick of you." she moved wiht the knife, still pointed at him, closer while he walked back wards. "I'm sick of you, of everthing of you. How you treat me. Everthing !"

They stilled walked backward until his legs hit the couch and fell down on it. Now he was locked between the couch and the knife that his girlfriend pointed at him.

"Baby, put that knife down and we can talk." he said trying to calm her down. She scoffed.

"Talk ? Now you want to talk ? Oh shut up you stupid asshole." she said still pointing at him. "You little shit, just hit me 2 seconds ago. And i don't wanna know how my face looks like right now. But i can feel the pain. The pain you caused !"

"Babe, i didn't mean to-"

"Oh stop that. I didn't mean to." she mocked him. She pulled away from him but still didn't put the knife down. She slowly started to freak out a little. "You put me through so much pain. Because of you i suffered alone this night 3 FUCKING time ! Do you know what you are doing to me ? I bet you don't. And now i'm the freak with a knife in her hand."

He just watched her freaking out in front of him. He or both didn't knew that the night would turn like that.

But for her it was way too much. So much that she suddenly broke down in front of him, on the floor.

"I can't." she whispered while she started crying again. "I can't do this anymore. I love you Harry, i really do. But you can't love someone, you don't know what love is."

She looked back up at him. He tried to process what is actually happening right now.

"You hurt me. You hurt me so many times that i don't even know when was the last time you didn't hurt me for w hole week. When i was last truly happy or not scared of what you would think of me." she said. "What do you want from me ? Do you want to see me suffer ? Do you wanna hurt me ? Because i can hurt myself, trust me."

And with that she cut her arm with the knife.

"Sarah ! The fuck." he jumped down from the couch and went to the kitchen to get a towel. He walked back and saw 2 more cuts on her arm, bleeding. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." he said and put the towel around her arm. "Why would you do that ?" he pulled her in her arm. Now tears run down his face.

"You know what is even worst ?" she looked up at him. "It doesn't hurt as much as you hurt me. You never loved me. You broke my heart, Harry. You broke it. And you broke me."

"Sarah, i'm so sorry. I didn't wanted it- us to end this way." he cried with her in his arms. "I do love you, you are the love of my life. I just- i'm scared okay ? I'm scared of losing you. I can't Sarah, i can't. You mean too much for me. Even tho i don't show it
, you are my world. Just please don't die. I am so so sorry."

"I can't to that anymore Harry. Not like that." she said.

"You don't need to. I will change. I promise. Just- just don't do things like that again. Please, promsie me." he begged.

"I can't promise anything anymore. Just never hurt me again." she said.

"I won't, i will never. Oh god i love you Sarah." he cried.

"I do too, Harry. I would always love you." she said.

*scene end*

"And CUT !" Sam screamed. "Perfect. As always."

As soon as i was back in myself i felt everything again. "I'm sorry." i said and run of set.

"Y/N !"

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