68. oscars part 2

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Y/N Pov.:

The oscars went for a while and we all grew more and more nervous. The longer we sat here, the closer we got to our nominees.

"Ans the next category will be the best leading actor." said Sam Smith.

"Here we go." Tom said and sat straight up. He gave me his hand again and i put mine in his.

"This category is for all the best male actors. With their amazing work and probably amazing abs" everyone laughed. "With probably all that, they got nominated for the best actor. The nominees are Adam Driver, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and John David Washington."

Every time a name was told they showed the movie and a live video of the person on the big screen.

"And the winner of the best male actor is..." Sam opened the envelope. He smiled and then said easy in the microphone "Tom Holland."

Toms eyes whidened and cheers were heard everywhere. I heard the other scream next to me but it was all a blur when Tom and I looked exited at each other. We both stood up and he pulled me in a deep hug and a quick kiss before he walked on stage.

Tom and Sam did a little bro hug before he gave Tom the Oscar. Tom looked at it proud before he went on the microphone.

"Wow." he said. "I mean... wow, okay this is amazing." everyone cheered again and laughed. "It's an honour to stay here and get this oscar, it's just wow. Okay maybe i should start now."

I looked up at him with a huge smile on my face. A very proud one.

"At first i just want to say what an honour it is to be nominated with some of the actors who lead me through me childhood. And it's even more amazing to see that you guys think i'm better tha them." he giggled and everyone laughed. "Okay, so the first thing i want to do is thanking everyone. Of course i need to thank my parents who were the best role models in my life. My brothers that they were always there for me and i'm even more thankful that we all have such a great relationship. I need to thank Sam, for giving me or us the opportunity to work with him and making this incredible movie, that i'm incredibly proud of. What would bring us to the last and most important person i want to thank. My beautiful wife Y/N, who i had the honour to act with."

At this part he looked directly at me.

"Thank you for everything. Litterly everything we've been through. For sticking with me in hard times, helping me learning my lines, helping me out in life in general and showing me true love." he said and at this moment we both had tears in our eyes. "If you weren't there i'm sure i weren't be here tonight. You made my life in every way possible better. And now that we have our little own family it just can better from day to day i see them grow. So thank you for everything you did and giving me my little wonders. I love you, my darling. And thank you to all of you again for naming me the best actor."

With that everyone applauded again and he walked back to his seat. I stood up and pulled him in a kiss, what made everyone cheer again.

"This was truly emotional. Thank you Tom." Sam said and everyone went quiet again to let him talk. Tom sat down next to me again and high-fived everyone, before taking my hand again. "That would lead us to the next category : best actress. A category where all the incredible woman's showed their strength and power."

"Let's go." Tom whispered and squeezed my hand.

"The nominees are Florence Pugh, Y/N Holland, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway and Naomie Harris. 5 incredible woman." Sam said and took the envelope again. "And the best leading actress is...." he opened th envelope and smiled again. "What a family. Y/N Holland !"

My eyes whidened and everything was a blur again when Tom and I looked at each other. We stood up and hugged eachother with a quick kiss before i walked in stage.

"Congratulations." Sam said to me and gave me a hug. I thanked him and took the Oscat before i went to the microphone.

"This is crazy." i said and everyone cheered again. "Thank you so much. This is huge. After my husband was just up here and now i am, this is crazy. "

I looked over at Tom and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Okay so i my turn to say something now. I actually never thought in million years i would stand here. I was shy and really hopeless when i was younger, ask my little sister she will scream yes." everyone and Luna laughed. "But then i got into acting. What gave me a bit of confidence. But the confidence for acting gave me my family. My parents and my siblings Luna and Josh were the best and only people in my life. They watched me grow as a person and stayed my by side the whole time. What i am incredibly thankful for. Later on a special person suprised me, a person that i can call my husband. He than turned my life around. He showed me everything i needed to lear and that maybe i could have a good and loving future. And now that we started our little family with 2 incredible handsome boys, everything seems perfect. So thank you for that Tom."

I looked at him again and i blew my a kiss. I smiled and then turned to the other again.

"So now you heard about my little journey through life. With many ups and downs bu in the end everything is like i hoped it would be. And i think i'm finished." i looked over at Sam and everyone laughed and applauded. I then thanked Sam again before i walked back to my seat.

"You did perfect, little potato." Josh said and hugged me. Luna than came in the hug too.

"I'm so thankful to be your sister." she mumbled. The boys then congratulated me too before i sat down next to Tom.

"You were amazing." Tom said and kissed me.

"Thank you." i said and put my forehead with his together. "It's been a great journey."

"The best ever." Tom smiled at me.

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