34. 3

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Toms Pov.:

We've been back home since 2 hours. We unpacked everything and called our family's. Y/N had the great idea to come all together again for a family dinner tomorrow evening. So that's what i'm really looking forward. But she acted weirdly all day. Not in a bad way but differnt.

"Y/N ?" he screamed around the house. But she didn't answer and was nowhere to be seen. He went outside on the balcony to see if she was somewhere in the garden. And she was. He walked back inside just to get outside to her.

He walked down some stairs and then sat down next to her in the middle of them. She had his hoodie and sweatpants on with tea in her hand. Still exhausted of the flight.

"You alright ?" he asked and put his arms around her. She leaned her head on his side and he leaned his head on hers.

"Everything perfect." she said softly. Both just enjoyed the silence and enjoyed the view.

"You seem a bit off the last hours. You sure ?" he asked. She put her head up to look at him. Now both looked each other deep in the eyes

Y/N Pov.:

Breath in, breath out. Everything will be fine.

"Wait here for a second." i said and stood up. I left in the house to get something and also brought him a mug with tea. "For you."

"Thanks. But you ignored my question." he said and put his arm around her again. We both took a sip of our tea before i put mine aside.

"No everthing is fine. I just thought about the future, you know." i said and looked at him.

"Tell me, what did you thought about ?" he asked. I knew he wanted to hear about trying wiht kids.

"I don't know. I don't want everything to be so stressful. We really need to have a good time management. Not that when we come home again nothing is prepared." i said. I saw the confusion in his eyes and tried not to smile.

"Why are we leaving again ? And why should we have stress. There aren't any other things planned than christmas, new year's eve and maybe you're talking about the press tour also. But that's what we always did." he said.

"Yeah, these things too. I don't really know if i'm going to make press tour. I mean we also need to go shopping, we need to renovate the room, i need to rest. There are a lot of things we need to do." i said.

"Darling i can't follow you anymore. Why do we need to renovate the room, what for a room ? And why don't you attend press tour ?" he asked confused.

"Let me count." i said. "In 4 month will be press right ? That's the middle of the process. I don't think i wanna be photographed that much while i'm being fat. Also that would be too much stress for us and i think the doctor will say that i should have that much stress in the next months."

"Why should you be fat ? You look gorgeous and you will always." he said.

"Yeah, Tommy why should a woman be fat ?" i asked.

"Maybe she ate too much or she is-" he said but stopped. He looked at me with big eyes bu i saw that he wasn't sure yet.

"Close your eyes." i said and he did. I pulled out the pregnancy test and put them in his hands. "Open again."

He looked at me first before his gaze slowly went down to his hands. His eyes whidened when he saw the 2 positive pregnancy tests.

"You are pregnant ?" he asked hopefully and looked at me again. I nodded with tears in my eyes, that you could now also see in his. "Oh my god you are pregnant."

He got up and pulled me up with him. He pulled me in a big hug and i heard him crying in my neck. Not that i did something differnt. He then pulled away and pulled our faces together for a passionate kiss. We then both pulled away to put our heads together.

"I can't believe you are pregnant." he whispered.

"Does now make everything sense to you ?" i chuckled.

"Yeah. We need to decorate the baby's room, we need to get baby shopping, you aren't allowed to have stress and you will be in the middle of pregnancy when we have our press tour." he said happily. "You are pregnant."

"Yeah, that's what i am. Good surprise ? Because i wanted to surprise you." i chuckled and so did he.

"Amazing. I was kinda exited to finally try it. But this is even better. Since when do you know ?" he asked.

"I didn't just buy the plane pills at the pharmacy and i didn't cry because i thought i needed to throw up again. I made he test yesterday." i said.

"And you want to tell the other tomrrow ? That's why everyone should be there ?" he asked and i nodded. "Is this really real ?"

"It is. I made an appointment at the doctor tomorrow. You will come with me and he will tell us that i am really pregnant." i said.

"This is amazing." he said, pulled me up just to spin us around the air. He then let me down again and kissed me. "I love you so so much."

"I love you too." i said and kissed him again.

"You sure that you are ready and everthing ?" he asked again.

"I'm more than ready. I can't wait for the next 9 month and the years after that." i said.

"Me too, darling me too." he said and then got down on his knees and put my hoodie up. "Can't wait to see you."

"Tom, i don't even have a real bump yet." i laughed and went with my hand through his curls.

"He or she is stillt there. And if you look very exactly you can see a little bump." he smiled exited and kissed my stomach before he came up again. "Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this. This means more than anything for me."

"It does for me too. And i couldn't imagine anyone else be the dad of my baby." i said. He smiled and hugged me again. "You're going to be a dad." i whispered.

"And you a mom." he whispered. "The best mom of all time."

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