40. acting future

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Y/N Pov.:

Tom and i cried about different things in each other's arms for another hours. Until we got everything from our soul and we're too exhausted to cry more. We were now back in our beginning position.

"You said something about the premier before." i said.

"Yeah. I'm not really the fan of leaving you." he chuckled.

"But i seriously want you to. It's both our movie but someone needs to go there with Timmy." i said.

"But you worked for it so hard too. You should also be there, but i know you can't. You aren't allowed to fly." he said.

"Exactly and i think at this point of my pregnancy i will just look like a potato. Ironically thats my nickname. Anyway, i don't think i should look like that while hundreds of cameras are pointed on me. But i actually thought about it." i said.

"Tell me." Tom said immediately.

"I was about to." i said and we both chuckled. "Probably one premier will be in london. Maybe i will attend one. I mean some other woman came pregnant on the red carpet and looked gorgeous. I think one night won't be bad for me. We could also do some zoom interviews. Since corona they all like that. Less travelling."

"I think that would be a great idea. But that would also mean that many pregnancy questions would come. Everyone would know. Do you want that ?" he asked.

"I mean they pregnancy question could already come earlier if they see us baby shopping. And i think we can give them some interview with baby questions before they will hear nothing about it again. But i wanna know what you think about it." i said.

"I will actually tell our fans that we are going to be parents. I think they would be happy for us. I don't know it could be nice. But i don't want them to see them when they are here. I want to keep them out of the spotlight. They should decide on that if they want it or not." he said.

"I feel the same way. I don't want to post them all around our social medias all the time. I mean we can't hide them forever but i don't wanna brag with them." i said.

"Yeah of course. I mean they will probably land in the internet not much later. But they should be known as our normal children and not as 'the new famous Holland twins. New worldstar baby's reign the wold'." he said.

"Very poetic." i said.

"Thank you. Just came in my mind." he said and we both laughed. "So we are on a page with all the social media things ?"

"Definitely." i said. Then this comforting silence was back in the room. Before i already broke it. "You said something about acting future."

"Did i ?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think you talked about it for a short time in the beginning." i said.

"Could be. I mean it's important to think about it. Wanna hear my thoughts to that ?" i nodded. "I don't want to quit acting just because we are becoming parents. It's too huge and it's our job. I can't just stop it. But i also wanna be around the kids when they grow up. I don't really know how to do that."

"I mean it's obvious that i won't act for at least 2 years from now. But i also don't want to stop acting from now on. I like it and as you already said it's our job. And i think we would have enough help from our family's if we need to travel, but i don't want to give them away all the time." i said. "And the part for you. When you would film in England it would be no problem but when it's somewhere else it is. When they are old enough we could come over and stay with you for a while."

"That would be nice. But i think we can't really say anything to that yet. We need to see if we get jobs and at which point we say we would be ready for working again. But maybe it's way more easy than we think it is. Well i hope so." he said.

"I hope so too. But you're right, we need to wait and see." i said. He hummed and i cuddled closer to his chest. But he brought be out of my comfort when he started to move under me. "What are you doing ?"

He didn't answered and just smiled. He laid me down on the bed again and then laid down next to me again. But he scooted a little bit down so his face was at my stomache. He lifted his head up and rested it on his elbow to have a better look at my belly. He put his other hand up to pull my sleeping shirt up and put his hand on my belly.

"Hello little monsters." he said. I immediately had a big soft smile on my face.

"This is cute, but little monsters is not a constant nickname for them." i chuckled and went with my hair though his hair.

"How should we name them ?" he asked.

"Like real name thinking now or nicknames ?" i asked.

"Nicknames. I don't want tk give them names yet, also because we don't know the gender." he said. "How about little worms ?"

"No, they aren't little weird animals. If we cut them they would be dead, if we cut worms the 2 half still live." i said.

"Than what should we call them ? Baby's ?" he asked me.

"No Tom. Be a little more creative." i whined. He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes.

"We have enough time to think about them." he said and stroked my belly. As did i over his head. "So hello little future baby's. Your mom and I are really exited to meet you soon. I just have one wish, don't stress her out too much. She will take great care of you so please don't kick her too much."

And it went on for another hour like that, but i didn't want it any different.

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