43. and they are ....

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Y/N Pov.:

Everyone was sitting in the livin room. All our family members, friends and some of them on the tv through facetime. Drinks were going around as did snacks. The cake stood with all the dinner food at the side of the room, ready to be touched. But not yet.

Next to them were small presents everyone bought for us. Nothing big. Just some stuffed animals or diapers or baby foods. Just things they wanted to get us last minute, because this day was planned last minute. We said they don't need to bring anything, but no one listened.

"Your tummy got a lot bigger than the last time we saw you." Ralf said.

"You're right. Time flys by and you don't even realise it." i agreed. I sat on the couch with Ralf ans Penelope surrounding me.

"Can they hear me ?" she asked and i nodded. She leaned down to my stomache and spoke to them.

"What did you tell them ?" i asked.

"Nothing." she laughed and ran to her mom. Ralf and i laughed as she run away.

"Thank you again for letting us be a part of it." he said.

"We just think that you should be a part of it. But thank you for making an afford to come along with everyone. I think it must be hard for you to you know..." i didn't knew how to form it nicely.

"I understand what you mean. But everyone is really open and nice, so it's not a problem. Even me and your dad come along great. We met recently for a beer." he said proudly.

"That's great." i said. I wanted to say more but Tom interrupted us.

"Sorry to interrupted you but could i maybe steal my wife ?" he joked.

"She is yours." Ralf said. We both laughed before Tom pulled my up with his hand.

"You ready to beginn. Everyone get inpatient and i do too. And Harry has finally everyone on screen." he said nervous but also exited.

"I thought you ask never." i said. We both walked over to the board we organised. On it was a chart with what they think the baby's would be. Boys, girls or both. "Everyone could you be quiet ! And maybe sit down somewhere comfortable !"

Everyone got on their seats and watched us quietly.

"So again thank you all for coming, also virtually, we are really thankful we could do this in such a short time." Tom said and looked at the screen. Z, Chris and everyone else smiling back at us. "We would now geting closer to the moment of the truth."

"But before we do that we play a little game. Well it's not a real game, you guys are just saying what you think it will be and then we cut the cake. So let's do this." i rambled a little. "Now everyone grab the pencil and make a line what you think the genders will be."

We stepped aside and everyone rushed to the board. Tom and I stood beside them arm in arm and watched them to their lines.

"In maybe less than a minute we will know what they are." he whispered in my ear.

"I know, i'm so nervous." i said. Before he could answer someone else did.

"Don't be." we've heard behind us. We stood right where the laptop with the facetime call was. It was Ty who said that. "I remembered the first time you've told me you liked Tom. As long as you guys are together everthing will be fine."

"I don't know you this long but he his right." said Timmy. We all laughed.

"Thank you guys." i said and they all smiled.

"I think they are ready." Chris said and pointed behind us. We turned around and everyone sat on their seats again. "Point us so that we can see everything perfectly."

"We will. Harry would you take care of them ?" Tom asked Harry and he nodded. Tom and I then walked over to the table where the cake was.

"You guys ready ?" Tom asked and everyone cheered. "You ready ?" he asked me.

"Yeah." i nodded before i gave him a quick kiss and turned around to the cake again. Tom stood behind me and put his arm around me to hold the knife together. We stood with you sides to the others so we wouldn't stand with the back to them and block the view.

We made two cuts in the cake together. Right now you couldn't see the color. Tom hold the knife that laid now under the piece of cake and mine hold the top of it.

"Show it !" i heard Josh scream and it made me chuckled. Tom leaned closer to me ear.

"Princes, Princesses or both." he said softly before he kissed my temple.

"Let's see." i said and we slowly pulled it out. The room was completely quiet until you could see the color. Everyone cheered...

Blue, just blue. Boys.

"Oh my god." i whispered while everyone cheered. Tom put the piece of cake down on a plate and then hugged me.

"Little baby boys." he said happy and pulled away to kiss me.

"Little princes." i said with tears in my eyes. He nodded exited and we were both so happy. Slowly family came to us and said their congrats. After that everyone went back in exiting conversation to other family members or friends.

"Congrats you two. More Holland boys." Z said exited. We all laughed and smiled.

"Is it what you wished for ?" asked Cole.

"You know, as long as they are health it's everything we wished for." said Tom and put his arms around me from behind.

"Awwww." everyone said.

"Cheesy." said Timmy and everyone laughed again. We talked to them before they all ended the call because they wouldn't do much more than watching us celebrate.

Then Haz, Tuwain, Sam and Harry came to us. "Boyyyys !" Tuwain said and hugged us again.

"Finally people who will kick Harry's and Sams ass." Haz said and ruined Sams hair. We all laughed.

"We will have little boys nights with them, teach them how to flirt with girls-" T started again.

"We will make Twins car race battles." Harry said and they all agreed.

"Hands away from my baby boys. You will not ruin them." i pointed jokingly at them.

"Yes mom." everyone said and we all laughed.

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