55. red carpet part 2

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Y/N Pov.:

Everyone screamed. Flashlights everywhere.




Tom sensed that i got even more nervous because he took my hand a gave it a soft kiss. I looked up at him and we smiled at each other before we got told to go out there. We nodded at each other and left the backstage part and walked out on the red carpet.





Flashlights everywhere and we stood there like dolls and smiled. Tom next to me with his arm around me trying to be cool and chill. We walked through the red carpet with an eas. I was never alone. I had always Tom by my side and sometimes also Timmy or the Holland family. It went better than i thought it would be.

Now comes the part with the interview section. Me and Tom got guided to our first person.

"Y/N, Tom congratulations on the movie." she said. Very nice lady.

"Thank you very much." Tom said.

"And i can also say congratulations to the pregnancy. The rumours are finally completely true." she said and we all laughed.

"I think so too." i said.

"Can we get more pregnancy informations out of you two ?" she asked. I looked up at Tom.

"Don't look at me. She is the pregnant woman. I can say everything wrong." he said and i laughed.

"Well we want to keep everything as privat as possible. But as you can see i'm pretty far along so it won't took us that long until we are parents. And we're pretty exited for it." i said.

"Completely understandable. I mean you guys are hot topic in hollywood like... always. But can fans be exited to get some more pregnancy or baby news ?" she asked.

"Of course they do over the time. I mean we also can't hide them forever." Tom said and my eyes whidened a bit.

"Them ?" the lady smirked.

"Oh no." Tom realised his mistake. "Well i mean with them the future kids. We can't hide all our future kids from the public eyes. I can tell you one thing, this isn't the last baby bump she will have."

"I can approve that." i said.

"Love to here. Than i would say it was nice talking to you guys and have a nice night." she said.

"You too." Tom said and then we left for the next interview. "Hello."

"Hello my favourite british people. Congratulations on the movie and also on the future baby." he said.

"Thank you very much." we both said at the same time.

"I just want to say how impressed i am of you guys to make a movie like that. I think it wasn't easy for you to act like that and to make it also look that authentic. I was really blown away from both of your performance." he said.

"Awww thats so cute." i said.

"Are you crying now ?" Tom asked and looked at my face.

"No." i said confused.

"Just needed to check. The hormones." Tom said and got back to his place beside me.

"Were you pregnant while filming the movie ?" he asked.

"I think i was but i can't remember if i knew it already when we were filming." i said.

"So you suprised him with the pregnancy ?" he asked.

"We wanted to have kids and he needed to wait for a while, but as i told him i was it was a surprise for him." i said.

"That's so cute." he said. "And the last thing i wanted to ask you guys is what you have learned or what would you tell other actors when they go in a role like that ?"

"Uhhh that's a good question." Tom said and i agreed.

"Man, let me think about that." i said.

"I think what really helped me, or us, was that we had a good relationship with each other. And i think that is very important to have a good relationship with your scene partner because when there isn't one you can see it on screen. Also you know that the other person won't thinks things personal and knows what you are going through." Tom said.

"Yeah, i also would say that you should keep people that love or like you around you. The best would be your co-star. But also don't bring your work with you home. When you take a deeper role like this than you can't take it home with you. It will mess up your head and you don't want that." i said.

"That's true." Tom said.

"That sounds like a very good advice from you guys. It was really nice talking to you guys." he said.

"It was really nice talking to you. You were great." Tom said.

"That's good to hear because it's my first time interviewing big stars." he said exited.

"Oh really ? But you were really good." Tom said.

"I liked your question. They were refreshing." i said.

"Thank you guys so much. It means a lot to me." he said. "And before you go i just wanted to tell you once again how incredible your movie is. It is really an amazing performance from both of you and of yours Timothées too. It wouldn't surprise me if you guys get an Oscar for it."

"Nah i don't think that's possible. The next big thing in our life will be starting a family and i think that would be enough." Tom said.

"Of course it will be. And i think that you guys will do a great job with that. But never say never. The oscar's are not far away." he said.

"That's true, but the family isn't either." i said.

He laughed. "That might be true too. But have you guys a great night and i hope we see each other again. "

"I hope so too." Tom said and took my hand.

"If you keep going like that you will be my favourite interviewer." i said to him.

"Than i think i keep going like that." he said and smiled goodbye. Tom and I did make 2 more interviews before we watched the movie inside.

And it was amazing. He saw it before but he was also so touched of it too. We both were sitting in the cinema crying like little baby's, while i had an excuse. He hadn't.

Later that night we skipped the afterparty and drove home. Until finally at midnight we were laying in bed again.

"Y/N ?" Tom asked from spooning me.

I just hummed as an answer because i was about to fall asleep.

"This night was truly amazing. I just wanted to tell you how proud i am of you." he said and kissed my shoulder.

"I am proud of you too." i mumbled.

"Thank you. Now sleep my darling. It's been a hard day." he said and i hummed again as my answer. "I love you."

"Too." i just said because i was already half asleep.

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