25. sick boy part 1

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Y/N Pov.:

I woke up in the middle of the night because i was shivering. Because my blanket got stolen from me. I turned to my side and saw Tom all cuddled up in the blanket. I grabbed the blanket and tried to pull a bit back to me.

"N-no, i'm cold." he said.

"Same here. I need a little of blanket Tommy." i said and grabbed the blanket again. But he didn't let go. He suddenly started to gauge heavily, something we experienced yesterday also but now worst. "Oh Tommy."

I wanted to comfort him with going through his hair. But when my hand touched his head my eyes whidened. "Gosh you're hot."

"Thank you." he said smirking, but that smirk left when he gauged again.

"No- yes you are, but i mean you are burning. Honey i think you got a fever." i said and stood up.

"But i'm cold." he whined.

I chuckled and sat down on his bed side again. I put my hand on his head and on his back. "Love, that's normal. When was the last time you had a fever ?"

"Ages ago."

"Great. How about i get you a glas of water and some tea, while you just stay here, okay ?" i asked him. "I know you are cold but you are sweating. Maybe lift that blanket for a second."

"Darling it's probably in the middle of the night. Go back to sleep and we see that tomorrow everything is gone again." e said and closed his eyes.

"I can't go back to sleep when i know that you don't feel well next to me. Let me do these small things for you and then we can see what it helped tomrrow." i said and stood up. I didn't have him time to tell me something else and left the room. I put on the boiler to make some tea and left to the bathroom again. I took a towel and wet it with cold water. I walked back to him and laid it on his head.

"Oh that feels actually great." he said and breathed out.

"See, when i help you you will get better." i said an stop up to leave the room again but his hand stopped me.

"Thanks for doing this." he said. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"Always." i said and then left the room again. The tea was finally finished and i could bring Tom his tea and cold water, depends what he want. "Here you go."

"Thanks darling." he said and sipped on the tea. "Oh this is great."

"But if you drink the whole tea please also drink the water." i said and sat down on my bed side again.

"I will." he said. "Am i really that hot ?"

"Yeah you are. Do you feel any sick on other ways ?" i asked.

"I still have a sore throat and a little headache, but that's it." he said and drunk the last bit of the tea.

"You could have said something, honey." i said and went in the bathroom to get some medicine against the fever, headache and his sore throat. "You maybe wanna take these ?"

"I don't wanna take them right now." he whined.

"Than you need to survive this night and when you still feel like shit tomrrow than yküou take these." i said and put them on his night table.

"Agreed." he said and took a sip of the water. "Do we may brought a scarf?"

"Sadly we didn't, but i can go and buy one tomorrow." i said and laid down again. I put the little lamp on the night table off and it was back to dark except from the little light of the city.

"Darling ?" he asked. I hummed as respond. "Can we cuddle ?"

"I thought you were hot ?" i said.

"But it will make me fall asleep sooner." he argued.

"Course you can, but if i'm getting sick than it's your fault." i said and opened the blanket. He shifted over and laid down between my legs with his head on my chest. I let out a little uff because he was heavy. "Or like that."

"Is that okay ?" he asked gently and calm. I smiled down at him and played with his hair, what made him relax completely.

"Of course it is. Now try to sleep." i said and stroked his back.

"Thank you darling. Good night." he mumbled and snuggled even closer in my chest.

"Sleep well, my love." i said and gave his head a little kiss.

"I love you." he mumbled.

"I love you too. Now sleep." i said. 5 minutes later he was out like a light. His breathing so calm and his body heat also warming mine. I kept on stroking his back or his head. Sometimes i lifted the blanket to let the heat escape but that's all i did. I enjoyed having him by my side, of course i did he is my husband. But moments like that shows everytime that we didn't fell out of love at all. And hopefully we never will, because he makes me happy. Happier than i've ever been.

At one point he gave my chest a little kiss and turned his head after that. Even in his sleep he was loving. With a calm energy i also fell asleep not long after.

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