61. the start

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Y/N Pov.:

It was in the middle of the night when i woke up with a strange feeling. I checked the time and it was 11:32 pm. The light probably woke Tom up.

"You okay ?" he asked.

"Yeah, i just need to pee." i said. I tried to get out of the bed but realised that something was wrong. I turned on the lights and looked down.

"Y/N put that light off." he groaned.

My eyes whidened. "Tom." He looked at me and his eyes whidened too. "My water just broke."

"Okay shit." he said and stood up. " I'll get the bag. Can you slowly walk downstairs ?"

"I'll go as far as i can." i said and started walking. While I made my way downstairs Tom went in the kids room to get the hospital bags, a towel for the seats and our phones. He ran past me downstairs and then ran back up the stairs to help me. He grabbed our jackets and threw everything in the car while i slipped on my shoes and walked to the car.

"You need help ?" he asked. I nodded and he helped me climb in the car seat and he closed the door behind me. He then got on in his side and started to drive. The contraction now really hit in and it was hard to breath. "Okay darling. Just breath with me. In and Out. In and Out."

"It hurts." i cried. He gave me his hand to squeeze it and i squeezed it like shit. On a red light Tom called the hospital.

"Hello, London Hospital here what's your emergency ?" a man asked.

"Hello, my wife's water just broke. We are on our way in the hospital now." Tom said.

"Okay sir. Can you tell us your name please ?" the man asked.

"Tom Holland and Y/N Holland. Her mom works in the hospital, Y/M/N Y/L/N." Tom said. The light was green again and Tom speed his to the hospital.

"We got you. Everything will be ready when you are here. Do you need any help ?" the man asked.

"Anything i need to know ?" Tom asked panicked.

"Your wife is soon getting your baby's. She is in pain. She needs to breath properly, try and make the breath exercises with her." the man said.

"Will do." Tom said.

"Good luck, Mr. Holland." the man said.

"Thank you." Tom said and than ended the call. He breathly looked over to me. "How are you ? Painlevel from one to ten ?"

"10. But i know it will gets worst. I'm scared Tommy, I'm so scared." i cried and squeezed his hand.

"I know you are. I am too. But we will get through this and everything will turn out perfect in the end. I promise you that nothing will go wrong." he said and kissed my hand. "I promsie you." he whispered.

I looked over at him and saw tears leaving his eyes. He was genuinely scared. I saw it in his face.

"We can do that." i said crying. "I know we can."

"We will." he said. Through the whole car ride we did what we learned. After 10 more minutes we were finally at the hospital. Tom parked the car in front of the hospital and got out of his side. He ran inside and came second later with doctors and sister and a wheelchair. He opened my car door and in the next seconds everything happened so fast. I sat in the wheelchair with Tom by my side. They brought me to a simple room where the doctor we wanted already sat.

"Y/N good to see you." she said. They put me up on a bed.

"Yeah, you too." i said through pain.

"Let's see." she said. "Can you put up your legs for me please ?"

I did what she said and opened my legs for her. "I will now touch you. If you feel u comfortable or pain at some places you can tell me." I nodded all along. Tom stood next to me and hold my hand.

"Okay you are pretty far already. But it's not open enough to start with labor yet." she said and came back into my sight.

"What does that mean now ?" Tom asked worried.

"That means that you will stay here. He give you a room where you will stay in. Normally you should be ready in the next 1 to 2 hours. You need to change clothes and we give you some medicine against the pain. Nurses will check up on you every 20 minutes." she said. As she said i got transported to another room, probably the room we would stay in the night and next day. The gave me my clothes i needed to put in and then something against the pain. "You may will call family members if you want. We will see each other again later."

"Thank you." Tom said and she left the room. "How you feeling ?"

"The pain got a little bette but it's still a 7." i said and grabbed his hand again.

"Do you want me to call the others ?" he asked and i nodded.

"But stay here." i said. He nodded and got his phone before he sat down next to me again.

"Hey mom"
"Yeah i know what time it is"
"We're in the hospital."
"Yeah that's why"
"As little as possible maybe. You can tell them but some may come over tomrrow morning"
"Yeah thank you. See you later"

"Sorry to wake you"
"Uhm i wanted to tell you that we are in the hospital now for labour"
"No they said in the next one to two hours"
"Thank you"

"Did i woke you up, mate ?"
"Sorry for that but i thought you might want to know when your sister gets her baby's"
"Yeah we are"
"That would be great"
"See ya later "

"I called everyone. I think our parents and Josh will come now and the rest tomorrow." he said and put his phone away.

"Great." i said and squeezed his hand again.

"You doing great darling." he said and kissed my head.

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