23. first week

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Y/N Pov.:

And we had time for other things, if you know what i mean. The last week the days were hard. Dancing everyday and then doing workouts. Actually, i've never felt more fit in my life before. Well, i still think Ellas workout was harder but i'm old now.

"And stop." Josh said and me and Timmy stopped dancing. "Great guys, that looked really good."

"Thank you." we both said.

"How about we film that part already tomorrow ? So we would have some small clips of it before we film the whole thing. You already have 70% of the dance finished." Steve said.

"We need to ask Sam if everyone is free tomrrow but if he says yes than i think they would be ready." Josh said to Steve. "Would you guys be okay with that ?"

"Absolutely." Timmy said and i agreed.

"Great. So than you are finished for today. See ya tomorrow." Josh said and we said our goodbyes.

"So what are you doing now ?" i asked Timmy as we walked to the side.

"Wanted to visit some friends. You ?" he asked.

"Probably just laying down on the couch and do nothing." i said and we both laughed. "Well, then see ya tomorrow."

"See ya, and tell Tom i said hi." he said.

"I will." i said and then we left in different directions. I took the walk back home that took me like 15 minutes. I liked coming home because Tom would be always there, because right now he has less to do.

"Darling, i'm back !" i screamed and closed the door behind me. But now answer back. "Tom ?" i walked around the apartment but not one sight of him. Strange. Normally when i come home he would be here, even tho i'm a little earlier then the other days.

I went back in the kitchen and his keys also weren't in the bowl. I decided to call him. But of course he didn't answered my call. I decided to let it sit for a moment and try it later. So i decided to take a shower because i smelled like shit.

After my 20 minute shower i put on some comfy clothes and let my hair air dry. I went back in the kitchen and grabbed my phone. But before i could call Tom the door opened. Tom walked in.

"Where were you ?" i asked.

"You are already home ?" i nodded. "Man, i thought you would be gone for another hour." he groaned.

"That's very welcoming. Thank you." i chuckled.

"Sorry love." he said and put the bags down. He walked about to me and kissed my lips. "I wanted to make you some early dinner or late lunch when you would come back."

"Aww that's sweet." i said and put my arms around his neck while his were around my waist.

"You ruined it. It should have been ready for you when you would have come home. But here you are and my surprise is ruined." he said.

"I'm sorry Tommy. But you can still make food for me." i said. We both chuckled.

"And i still will. You know how bad i feel that you work hard every day while i have nothing to do ?" he said and let go of me to go to the bags.

"I can think that you feel bad but you don't need to. We will start filming some stuff tomrrow. So yours will probably start soon too." i said and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah my 2 scenes i have without you." he scoffed and i rolled my eyes. Then somebody called me. "Who is it ?"

"Josh, do you mind-"

"Take it, love. I will make us food." he said smiling. I thanked him and sat down in the living room before i accepted the call.

"Hello my dearest brother." i said.

"Hello my dearest potato." Josh said and i smiled. "How are you ? We never really talked since the wedding."

"You could have called me while we were in italy. But sorry i hadn't really time to talk to you the last weeks, i've just been really busy." i apologised.

"Don't worry. I've listened to you when we had our 2 minute calls. And i didn't wanted to call you in your honeymoon. It was about you and Tom." he said.

"I know, i know. Doesn't matter now, i can talk now. So i'm doing great accept that i'm exhausted. How are you doing ?" i asked.

"Great. Sofia is learnings new words every day but Luna isn't a great help with the choice of words." he said and we both laughed. "Next week will be our anniversary."

"Oh right. One year married, how does it feel ?" i asked.

"Great, but you will know too soon. But i wanted to ask you if you think that she would like it if we go to the place where we had our first date ?" he asked.

"The park ?" he agreed. "Like that. But you sound nervous. You okay ?"

"You don't want to mess up our first anniversary. I don't want her to think my love for her would fade just because we're parents now." he said.

"You don't really think that do you ? Dumb Josh, very very dumb Josh. She would never think that. How do you even came on that ?" i asked confused.

"You know, with all the baby duties, i think we just got a little less romantic ? I don't know, it's just that everything happens around us and we don't have really us time anymore. I love Sofia but i would love to have just a night for me and Evelyn again without work or house cleaning or a baby." he said.

"We can take her when we come back if you want to. But you know you can always ask mom and dad." i said.

"They took her way too many times already. And with Luna still in the house it's critical. Can you believe that she tried to teach her how to say 'swag' or 'loser' ? That aren't words a toddler should learn first." he said and i bursted out laughing.

"Help god, i can't believe that Luna is an adult." i said laughing.

"Me neither." he said laughing. "Well, i need to go now. Baby Sofia need attention. Will hear you soon ?"

"You will. Love ya." i said.

"Love ya too. Bye." and with that he hung up. I smiled to myself before i went back to Tom in the kitchen.

I raped my arms around his back that was turned to me and kissed his shoulder softly.

"That smells great." i said and rested my head on his back.

"Thanks darling. We be ready soon." he said. We stayed like that for some seconds.

"Remind me to never leave our kids with Luna." i said.

"Why ? What has she done ?" he asked with humor in his voice.

"She is turning a toddler in a teenager." i said and we both chuckled.

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