67. oscars part 1

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Y/N Pov.:

"Racheal good to see you again." Tom said. I looked at the door and Racheal and her team walked in.

"You too." she said and hugged him before she walked to me. "How are you ?"

"Great. How are you ? It's been some time." i said and hugged her.

"It's been good. Are Cam and Lio in here ?" she asked exited.

"Unfortunately they are not. I just feed them and they fell asleep. They are over at my parents room so we don't wake them up again." i said.

"I will get to see them later. Should we start now. Only 3 more hours." she said exited.

"Let's do this." Tom said and sat down in his chair. Racheal worked on To, while i got one of her team members. Her name was Lea.

"I start with your hair okay ?" she asked and i nodded. "It was a ponytail right ?"

"Yeah, but not a tight one. A lose one." i said.

"Got it." Lea said and worked on my hair. Later on the boys and Luna joined us. The other team members took care of them while Lea and Recheal finished me and Tom.

Recheal let Toms curls be. A thing that i very much appreciated. My hair was in a low ponytail with hair hanging out in the front. My makeup was natural. A basic makeup with a nude lipstick and a light smoked eyeliner.

"You guys ready to put the outfits on ? You need to be out in 20 minutes." Recheal said. We all were finished and then changed in our outfits. "Let me take a picture of you guys."

Recheal made a picture of us while her crew members cleaned the room already. "You guys look amazing."

"I feel amazing." Luna said. I looked at her and saw how happy she looked.

"I feel like a model." Josh said and we all laughed. "Law said i looked like one."

"Law says that to everyone." i said and patted him on the shoulder. Law doesn't do it but that doesn't matter.

"Really ?" Josh asked me. I looked at him and ignored his question. "You joking right ?"

Tom looked at me and we both tried not to laugh.

"We will check on our kids before we leave. See you guys downstairs ?" Tom asked them. All agreed and Tom and I went to the room of my parents.

"You guys look amazing." my mom said and hugged us.

"Like a princess." my dad said and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you dad." i said. "Everything fine in here. You got everthing ?"

"They are still asleep. And we checked everything for you already. You gave us everything." my mom said.

"And you sure you okay here ? We try to be back as soon as possible." i said worried.

"We have everything, sweetie." my dad said. "Go and enjoy your night. You derserve it. Both."

"Thank you." Tom said. Tom and I then left them and got in the car wiht his family and my siblings. We drove to the oscars and you felt that everyone got more nervous.

"Do i look okay ?" Luna asked me.

"You look absolutely beautiful." i told her.

"You sure ?" she asked and i nodded. Not a second later our car doors opened and we all got guided where we belong. Tom and I went to the redcarpet while the other were already guided to our table.

"Tom Holland ! Y/N Holland !" everyone screamed. Tom and I walked through it almost everything together. We got separated once but then found back together.

"Are you exited to be nominated ? I mean it must be huge to be at the same time for the same movie." an interviewer said.

"It actually is. I mean it would be so amazing if we both would bring an oscar home, but we will see." i said and looked at Tom.

"Definelty. We put so much work in this movie and are really proud of it. We are incredibly thankful to even be nominated and also for all the people who vote for us." he said.

Tom and I then went to the next interviewer.

"First of all in need to congratulate on so many things. Once, that you guys got to be here at the oscars and second, that you guys are parents. Congratulations. How exiting is this ?" the interview asked.

"More than just exiting. I mean we both just experienced the most amazing moment in our private life and probably our whole love and now experience the most amazing moment in our career. It's amazing." Tom said and i agreed.

"That's so nice to hear. Can we expect any future projects soon with you ?" the interview asked.

"The fans need to wait for a longer time. We want to concentrate on our little family now and then we see where it goes. Maybe you will see something again soon, maybe later, maybe never. It's open." i said.

We then did 3 more small interviews before everyone got lead to their seats. We went inside to our row where already everyone from us sat. We sat down for a second to breath again and to adjust to this moment.

Some other celebrities came over to us to congratulate on the nomination or the twins. It's been very cute but also very overwhelming. After half an hour everyone was told to get on their seats and get ready.

"It's time." Sam said exited.

"This is huge. I mean aren't you guys nervous. I am. Are you ?" Josh asked nervous.

I grabbed his hand. "Trust me, we all are. But you need to get used to that if you wanna be a model."

"Funny joke." he said. I laughed and then turned my attention back to Tom.

"You ready ?" he asked and put his hand out to hold mine.

"We will do this." i said and put my hand in his.

"We can do this." he said. He leaned over to kiss me and i kissed him back before the light turned darker.

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