16. thinking

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Y/N Pov.:

"You like it ?" he asked.

"Like ? It's absolutely stunning here." i said while i still gazed around. We sit in the restaurant for 10 minutes now and i still found things that amazed me.

"Good to hear." he said. I looked back to him. He had a soft smile on his face while he looked at the menue. "Stop starring."

"Sorry." i said and looked down at my menue. Then he chuckled. I looked up an laughed with him.

"Don't be. I love you looking at me." he said and i started laughing more. The server then came at one point and we got our dinner for the night. We talked and laughed.

Then i saw a little boy, maybe around 5, walked to our table. He pulled at Toms shirt and got his attention.

"Hello little man. How can i help you ?" he asked politely.

"You are Spider-man." the little boy said.

"That's right." he said. "What do you need buddy ?"

"Can you swing me through the city ?" the little boy asked. A big smile appeared on mine and Toms face.

"You know i would like to. But i forgot my webs at home. Maybe we see each other again." Tom said and the little boy nodded. "How about i carry you back to your parents ?" the little boy nodded again. Tom got up and put the little boy and his hip. He then turned to me. "I'll be right back, darling.-"

"I know. Do you job spider-man." i said. He smiled and then walked somewhere with the little boy.

We all knew already that Tom is great with kids. And i saw it many times before. But this, this did something. As i watched him walking away with the kid and talking to it, you could really see how much love is behind his eyes. And that wasn't even his kid. So what if he had his own ? The baby would only get love. Only.

I knew this chapter in life would come. The chapter where i would overcome my fear. The chapter where i want to get pregnant. Where i want to have a family. A family with the love of my life. With Tom. My husband.

We are in a good age. We are married. Have a house together. Job that we love. Family around us. Love around us. It would feel right. It feels right. It really does.

"Love ?" i snapped out of my thoughts. Tom already siting on his seat again. "You okay ?"

"Yeah sorry. What were you saying ?" i asked.

"I didn't said anything. You just wouldn't stop staring." he said and we both chuckled. "What was on your beiatufl mind ?"

"You know, the usual things-"

"If you say work that i will kill you." he said and i put my hands up in defense. "Stop thinking about work for now. I know it's hard and i do too, but no in moments like now."

"Like what ?" i smirked.

"Like when i think about what we do later and hope that no one hears us." he smirked.

30 minutes later we walked in our hotel room a little tipsy, of the wine. Tom closed the door behind us and immediately pulled me closer to him for a kiss.

We stumbled over to the bed. My back hit the soft fabric of the bed and my lips connected with Toms soon after again.We slowly slided over the bed until be head was at the headboard, still not breaking the kiss.

His hands roamed down at the sides of my body and gave my thighs a smal squeeze. I yelped and gave him acces to enter his tongue. At the beginning it was a battle for dominance that he won in the end.

His hand went unter my dress i wore and slowly lifted it up. We broke the kiss so he could put the peace of clothes complete off, leaving me in my black lingerie.

"Never get tired of this sight." he said and crashed our lips together again. I smirked and pulled at the bottom of his shirt to show him that i want it off. And in the next second it was, leaving him in his pants and me in my underwear.

His kisses left my lips and made his way over my jaw down to my neck and collarbone, where he probably would leave marks. His kisses traveled down my body until they landed on my covered core. He pulled the garment off and the cold air hit my clit.

"Already so wet for me. Do you even need me ?" he smirked as he teasinging kissed my core.

"I need you. But all of you." i said and pulled him back up and smashed our lips together.

"Good to hear that darling." he said as he pulled his trousers and boxers off, leaving us now both naked. "You ready ?"

I nodded and he pushed in to me. Moans left both our lips and his face got back to my neck and my hands found his curls. "Move Tommy."

And he did. Not hectic, more loving. He was making love to me. And the very good feeling made the knot in my stomach already grow.

"Darling, you feel amazing." he moaned in my neck where he kissed the soft skin.

"So do you. Don't stop." i said. Not much later the feeling got too much. "I can't hold it anymore."

"Then don't hold darling. I wanna hear my wife." he whispered in my ear. That just put me over the line and our moans filled the room. He got us though our high before he pulled out and laid down next to me.

"That was great." i said and turned to him. I laid my head and hand on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Just great ?" he teased and put his arm around my waist.

"You know how i mean it, love." i said and kissed his chest.

"I do know." he said and kissed my head. "Let's take some sleep."

"We better should. Night, husband." i said and snuggled more in his side.

"Good night, my dearest wife." he said.

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