50. time apart

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Y/N Pov.:

"I miss you." i said.

"I miss you too." he said. He has been in LA for about 3 days. He needed to meet up with Law Roach for the fittings and do other preparations for the premiers in america. He will be back home in 2 weeks for the last premier in london. "But we will see each other again."

"I know, i just want you here. With us." i said and put my hand over my growing stomach.

"You know i would love to be there with you. With all of you." he said and i knew it. "Did anything new happened ?"

"No. Still activ like shit. I mean do they sleep ?" i asked and i heard his laugh from the other side of the phone.

"It will all soon be over." he reassured me.

"Well not really." i said and he agreed. "Exited for tomorrow ?"

"Nervous, exited, the same thing. Would love if you could be by my side." he said. Tomorrow is the first premier of the movie. Also the first time people are "allowed" to ask questions, including about my pregnancy.

"I wish i could too. But you have Timmy by your side. You will have fun." i said.

"I will have but i wanna have it with you. And i don't wanna fuck things up." he said worried.

"Because of the babies ?" he agreed. "Just don't give them that much informations. Just say that i'm pregnant, everything is going well so far and that we are exited. We can talk more about it when i'm by your side."

"I try to do that. But we know how i am. When i get exited that i just can't control myself and just blur things out." he said.

"I know how you are and it won't be a problem. It doesn't really matter if you blur our one or two things. As long as you don't talk about everything of our pregnancy it's fine. Just say things that you know that we both are comfortable with to share." i said.

"Will do." he said. "I will call you back later. We're finally at Laws house."

"Do that. Have fun and i want to see pictures." i said.

"Why should i if i'm not allowed to see your dress until the premier ?" i heard the little smirk of his right through the phone.

"That's not how it works, Holland." i said.

"Oh it's exactly how it works." he said. "See you later, Love you."

"Send me pic-" but then he hung up. "You little asshole."

I put my phone away and just laid on the couch. My hand on my bump and my eyes closed. I opened them again to look at my stomach.

"Your daddy is a little asshole, you know that ?" i talked to it. "But he will be the most amazing dad in earth. I can promise you that. He loves you more that anything."

I smiled at my bump a while before i decided to take a little nap.

Toms Pov.:

"Tom, Harry great to see you." Law cheered and hugged them.

"Good to see you too, mate." he said and both of the brothers went inside. "How are you ?"

"I'm doing great. How are you guys doing ?" Law asked and they sat down in his living room.

"Good thank you." Harry said and Tom agreed.

"Evertything going well at home ? Pregnancy doing fine ?" Law asked.

"Everything perfect. Can't wait to be a dad." he said truly happy.

"Than people are allowed to call you daddy." Law joked and he and Harry died of laugher. "I'm sorry, i just needed to say that."

"Don't worry. I just hope this actually doesn't happen." he said laughing.

"We will see." Harry said.

"But we have still some month left until the little wonders finally come. What will happen now is the fitting. So let's get this started." Law said and stood up.

"We should right ? Uhhh i'm exited." he said and stood up. Law came back with a cloth rail with many many suits on it. "Who should wear all of these ?"

"Premiers and interviews, Tom. Premiers and interviews." Law just said and pulled out the first suit. "How about we start with this one ?"

It was a normal black suit. Nothing special. They went on from suit to suit and decided which one for which premier. After that came the outfits for the interview. Again from interview to interview. Some fitted perfectly, some needed to be changed, some he didn't liked and some that Law didn't liked. At the end were enough outfits for the premiers ready.

"That was exhausting." Tom said and sat down again, after 5 hours.

"But it was worth it." Law said. "After we changed some things you just need to put them on on the day and that's it. Won tbe that hard."

"The actuall hard part will be the premier." he said.

"But you will have Timothée and in london Y/N by your side. It will be fine." Law said.

"Actually. Can you show me what Y/N will wear at the premier ?" he had a cheeky smile on his face.

"No, no, no. Y/N said no." Harry interrupted. He looked at Harry annoyed.

"Y/N didn't say anything. She thinks it's nice if i see her dress or whatever she will be wearing." Tom glared at Harry.

Law laughed. "Y/N warned me. I won't tell you a bit."

"Oh come on." Tom groaned. "Just a little bit."

"Not at all. You don't need to take care about that. You have to attend premiers in few days." Law said.

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