47. christmas part 1

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Y/N Pov.:

"Thanks for the dinner mom." Harry said and finished his last bite.

"Not just me." she said and looked at Sam.

"Not thanking him anymore. Did it enough times." Harry said and everyone laughed.

"Slowly i believe that the new Holland twins really can be better. But just because i have Harry in my team." Sam teased.

"They are going to be better anyway." said Tom.

"I don't know if i should say that your mean or not." i said and we all laughed again.

"How far are you already ?" asked Dom.

"20th pregnancy week." i said rubbing over my bump.

"Wow, times flys by fast." Nikki said and i nodded.

"But we wouldn't wish it differnt." Tom said and kissed my temple before he put his arm around my shoulders.

"When should the twins probably come ?" Paddy asked.

"Do the math." said Sam.

I chuckled. "Around our birthdays. But i really hope they come after both ours, so we can concentrate on them."

"Couldn't you have just fucked another time ?" Harry asked. Nikki rolled her eyes while everyone laughed.

"You can't tell us when to have sex." Tom said and i put my hand over his mouth.

"I think that is enough." i said and Dom and Sam agreed.

"Is there more to say ?" Harry smirked.

"Oh my god just stop." i said laughing out of embarrassment. "Let's change the topic. Paddy how are you and your girlfriend doing ?"

"Seriously ? The first thing after we talked about your sex life is my relationship?" Paddy joked. "Ask about Sams relationship."

"But you can't talk about Harry's." Sam teased quiet.

Harry scoffed. "Just because i don't want one. That's a decision i made."

"Like never ?" Nikki asked.

"I don't really look for one now or did before. And i never had a person where i could imagine a relationship. An when i don't see it that i don't need to be in one." he simply said.

"That's good." i said.

"But you will be alone when you're old." Nikki said. She is pulling the mom card that wants many grandchildren.

"I will not. I have everyone around me. And i won't leave you guys soon." he said and smiled evil at Sam.

"Don't ruin my life." Sam pointed at him.

"Oh i will follow you like a shadow." Harry teased. "So that we now got away from the topic before, Paddy tell us about your relationship. I mean you're 20 things will change soon."

"Relationship wise i don't think so. But i think i will concentrate more on acting now." he said.

"Uhhh i see it. Paddy Holland movie star. Like your big brother." Tom said.

"Someone needs to replace your when you're gone." Paddy smirked.

"Watch out, i'm not gone yet and i will come back." Tom said.

"Whatever you say grandpa." Paddy said and everyone whoaed.

"You will be my age sooner than you think." Tom said.

"Please not." Nikki said.

"Please so he will finally also move out." Dom said and Paddy scoffed. "The house for our selves again."

"They will all come back." Nikki said.

"I won't, nothing against you but i have my place." Tom said and squeezed my sides. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Happy for that but the others aren't married yet. Luckily." Nikki said and we all laughed again. "Whatever let's move that in the living room. You guys can already go while i wash this up."

"Let me help you." i said and stood up with her.

"No go and sit down, you're the pregnant one." Nikki said.

"No i won't." i said and grabbed the dirty plates.

"You sure darling ?" Tom hold my arm. I looked at him and gave him a soft smile.

"I am. It's just washing dirty plates. It isn't too stressful." i said and he nodded and let my arm go. Me and Nikke went back in the kitchen while the boys sat down in the living room.

Toms Pov.:

"How is the pre father life going ?" Dom asked when they sat down.

"Great ? Were you also so careful with mom when she was pregnant with me ?" he asked.

"More than anything. I didn't let her do anything because i thought everything could be dangerous." Dom chuckled as he remembered the old times.

"Will it get better ?" he asked.

"Not really. Even worse maybe. You will still think that everything is dangerous and she will say 'nothing happened the last time, calm down'. " both laughed.

"I do remember these talk when Paddy was born." Tom said.

"The best comes always last." Paddy said.

"But not in this family." Sam said and everyone tried not to laugh.

"You asshole." Paddy said and Dom glared at him. "I'm sorry, small asshole."

"Whatever, i think you will be a great dad." Sam said back to Tom.

"I hope so. I mean i will protect her and them but i don't want to be annoying." he said.

"Oh you will definelty be for them. I don't know how bossy Y/N is right now but she will be even more. So maybe everything will be your fault. Well it was always my fault with Nikki, i don't know how Y/N exactly will be." Dom said.

"Yeah i've heard from Josh that Evy was also bossy." Tom said.

"You're going to them tomorrow right ?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Will probably be the last full house christmas for them. Maybe Luna won't be there next year." he said.

"An emotional event and a pregnant woman ? Not good." Sam said.

"I know right. I hope everything will be fine." he said.

"What will be fine ?" he heard behind him. He turned around and smiled when he felt her arms around his neck.

"Nothing. Don't worry." he said and kissed her hand. She nodded and leaned her head on his. Then the conversation moved on.

"I will be fine tomorrow." she whispered.

"You sure ?" he asked.

"Nope. But i hope i am." she chuckled softly and it made his heart melt. He nodded and listened to the conversation again.

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