uh oh- y.b n.r w.m

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warning- mention of weed


(you and Yelena are dating in this and Natasha is still Yelena's sister and Wanda is your best friend)


I was in main room of the compound waiting for my girlfriend to finish her mission reports. I was bored out of my mind to say the least. Me and Wanda were squabbling about what to watch and who gets to decide. I had a tight grip on the remote until Natasha came into the room asking if she could borrow one of my shirts. " yeah go ahead you can take anything" i said happily until i realized that Wanda had grabbed the remote and put on her desired show. Natasha made her way to me and Yelena's room whilst me and Wanda continued arguing.

Natasha's POV 

i was walking to get one of Y/n's shirts and behind me was the noises of Wanda and y/n arguing the last thing i heard them say was when Wanda said " your a slow coach". I was looking through y/n's closet and couldn't find the shirt that i had in mind. I spotted a box in the back of the closet, i assumed that is where it would be because that was the only place that i hadn't looked. I opened it and saw a stash of weed and a lighter. Shocked at what i just found i put it in my pocket to show Yelena to see if she knew about it. I completely forgot about looking for the shirt in that moment. I rushed out of the room quicker than I intended. I walked through the main room and heard y/n ask " hey did you find it?" " uh no i couldn't its okay though" i forced a fake smile to raise any alerts to her and continued to Yelena.

I barged in not caring about that i was intruding on her or the fact that she had to get work done. I was kind of panting at how fast i came here. I looked up at her as my hands were on my knees catching my breathe. Her face indicated that she was angry that i had barged i here with no warning not even a knock, but that quickly changed to a confused look as she saw how quickly i came in here almost like i was seeking shelter from prey.

"hey you okay, what's wrong?" i didn't know how to start so instead i took the weed out of my pocket and placed it on her desk. She looked at it quickly analyzing what it was before looking back at me. " what the hell are you doing with this. You know it's illegal right?" " i know, i know it isn't mine" i forced out. " then who the hell's is it and where did you find it?" i stood in silence for a couple of seconds gathering my thought before i blurted " i think its y/n's it was in her closet. I was looking for a shirt and found a box there was that a lighter". She went quiet before grabbing it and storming out of the room.

Yelena's POV

I felt my blood boil at the thought of y/n smoking weed and keeping it a secret for however long. I practically ran into the main room to find y/n. "up" i snapped. "what?" she questioned. " i said get up now and go to our bedroom" i snarled. She cautiously got to her feet. She's never seen me this angry before but at that moment i felt no sympathy she had lied to me. Nat followed us to our room. "what's wrong bub" she asked worryingly. I couldn't help myself i just laughed, i laughed at the fact she had the audacity to ask what was wrong as if she hadn't been lying to me. A puzzled look plastered her face looking at me then Nat looking for some answer which neither of us gave until i practically threw the weed into her lap.

"look i can explain" she pleaded. " you bet your ass your going to explain right now". The worried look was now replaced with guilt she had been caught and we all knew it. " i do it sometimes to take the edge off that's all it's nothing big" her voice was practically begging for sympathy. " nothing big, it's illegal is what it is. You could go to jail for this." Nat put her hand on my shoulder to signal for me to calm down, i listened to her. 

Wanda came in to see what all the arguing was about and spotted the weed. " you promised me you stopped years ago Y/n" i swung my head round to process what she had just said. " you've been doing this for years!" i screeched. " no no no i stopped i did i swear" y/n was clearly not happy with Wanda dobbing her in. " Then why do you still have it here" Nat intrigued. " I started again a few weeks ago" she was looking at the floor, forcing herself to not look us in the eye knowing all she was see was dissapointment.

y/n POV

the three set of eyes were glued to met like hawks, i hated it but i had done this to myself. I knew Yelena was furious, Wanda disappointed that i had broken my promise and Nat worried about me but also mad. I'd had enough i stood up weed in hand and barged past them all. " where the hell do you think you are going" Yelena called after me, i ignored her knowing i couldn't trust my voice. I went straight to the roof and locked the door behind me. Whenever i wanted/ needed to smoke i came to the roof meaning i had a secret stash hidden under one of the plant pots holding everything i needed. I went to the ledge of the roof by this time they all knew where i was, i didn't care. My legs hanging over the edge of the roof  the stars where bright and so was the moon, i started smoking. I could feel the burn in the back of my throat it was sharp and painful, but i liked it. 

After a while they had gotten through the door i heard the footsteps behind me so i stopped smoking. Yelena sat at my side, she looked at me worryingly. I clocked onto this familiar facial expression and mumbled "stop worrying I'm fine" before i could even finish my sentence she interrupted "Wanda told me you used to do it to stop feeling pain, are you in pain dorogoy?"

A lump caught in the back of my throat at this question because truthfully i was. Not physical pain or the type you could see but i had been fighting more battles in my head than on the field. " a little more than I'd like to admit" tears threating my eyes. " hey it's okay I will help you I promise but you have to be honest with me okay?" i nodded slowly as she pulled me in for a big hug, i accepted it and hugged her back. 

A few minuets passed and more footsteps was approaching. I glanced to see Wanda and Nat. They came over and sat next to both of us, we sat in silence looking at the stars. My neck started to hurt of all the incline it was doing so i led back and Yelena did the same so the others did too. It was quiet cold so Yelena held me in her embrace to act as a protector from the wind. After a while without realizing i shut my eyes.

Yelena's POV 

After Wanda explained why she did it in the past i understood more, i fight harder in the training room to release stress y/n smokes. It wasn't healthy and she needed to stop but i did understand. I look at y/n as i held her and her eyes was shut her breathe was even. She was asleep. She looked so cute in the moonlight. I sat up and told the others i was taking her to bed and the helped open the doors as i took her to bed. I thanked both of them before the scurried to bed as tired as me. I got into bed not bothering changing and fell asleep with y/n. She held me closer before we both fell into a deep slumber.

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