3 months

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You have no clue how long it had been but your guessing a couple of months at least but you knew that it could actually be a year. You was just trying to be optimistic.

It all happened when you left the compound after telling the team and your girlfriend (Yelena) that you was going out clubbing with some of your old friends from University.

You had met up with your friends at the club as planned. The club was around 30 minutes away from the compound so close proximity.

You went out at 8 which meant it was already getting fairly dark outside. Anyway, you met up with your friends and went into the club. Everything was going good. You had all drunk a decent amount and was all tipsy at the least.

You went up to get another drink but this one tasted different. The bartender had changed and had been keeping a close eye on you. You found this weird but was to buzzed to care.

You went up and sipped your drink. It tasted funky. Before you could head back to your friends to tell them you wasn't feeling okay strong hands clasped around your mouth preventing any sounds from escaping.

Your body became weak and your vision tunnelled. Whoever was holding you had dragged you out and out you in a car with a bag over your head for precaution. Even though it wasn't needed because you blacked out in the car.

You got brought to this dark place. It smelled bad and everything was concrete. You had no clue how long you had been out for or where in the world you was. For all you knew you could be in bloody Austria.

Every day was a repeat of the last. Two guards would drag you out from the caged area where you were locked in when they didn't need you. You were strapped into a metal chair in the middle of a basically empty room.

A single light bulb hung in the middle of the room. There were stains up the wall. They were a deep red which lead you to the conclusion that it was blood which didn't surprise you.

A man would walk in after you being strapped and secured to the chair. In his hand he always held a 6 inch knife. He would sit in the other vacated seat I front of yours and sharpen it in front of you.

Both of his arms were covered in tattoos, as much as you hated the man in front of you his tattoos were pretty cool.

He would ask you a series of questions regarding the Avengers and what there most recent plans where. You being the loyal person you are swore to yourself to never tell no matter the consequences.

The consequences hurt like a bitch. He would run the sharpened blade over your rough skin until it drew blood.

When that didn't work he moved to your wrist. Carving his initials in one and writing 'slut' on the other.

Your body was weak and gave up on trying to fight against the restraints. They only gave you enough rations to barely keep you alive.

Sometimes he would introduce other methods of torture but these were his main ones.

Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened it was a routine until tonight. "I'm letting you go y/n for now, I know where to find you if I need to find you again. And before you ever try to plot against me look down at your wrists and remember what I am capable of"

With that he banished me onto the streets. I was still in NYC, thank god. I waved my hand for a cab and told them to take me to the Avengers tower.

I had blood everywhere on my body and my clothes were ripped and miss coloured. We pulled up and I got out not paying. But ran to the front door.

Inside the compound—

Everyone was sat around the dinner table quietly eating the food Wanda had prepared for them until FRIDAY spoke. "Mr Stark someone is at the front door requesting access" Everyone looked around the table confused. They never got visitors. "Who is it" Tony replied. "Someone claiming to be Y/n but the face recognition does not match me servers." This caught everyone's attention, they thought you were dead when they found your blood in the club.

"bring up the cameras" Tony requested and in a matter of seconds a hologram appeared in the middle of the table for everyone to see. There was you covered in blood and clearly traumatised to say the least.

Yelena ran to the front door and opened it. You looked at her with tears in your eyes. You were so tired mentally and physically. You had been tortured day in and day out for god knows how long.

She launched herself into your arms but immediately backed of when you flinched at the sudden movement and the pain that burst through your chest as she applied un wanted pressure on your wounds.

You couldn't hold it back any more, your legs gave away and you sobbed. Yelena gently held you in her arms.

Bruce carried you to the lab seeing all the cuts on your body. "how long has it been" I questioned with a shaky voice as he did scans over my body and Yelena held my hand.

"3 months" Yelena replied. I passed out from the pain of Bruce prodding at my wounds. He stitched the cuts up and let me rest.

When you woke up you all sat in the living room, you explained what had happened and they shared their side of the story.

They knew who it was and within a day of you being back home they caught the guy. You were always on edge and hardly ever went out but the whole team was working with you to help with the trauma.

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