Christmas baking-y.b

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Me and Yelena had secretly been seeing each other. We hadn't had the whole 'what are we' conversation yet but that didn't bother me at all I was happy with whatever we are.

Absolutely knew what we were as we promised not to tell anyone until we both said we were ready. This meant we had to be really careful with when we saw each other and what our cover story's were. I was really surprised that Wanda and Nat hadn't figured it out yet. But I'm not complaining.

It was 2:47 am and I couldn't sleep because I was really craving brownies and I was in a big Christmas mood as it was a week away from chrsitmas. But I didn't want to make them on my own.

I decided to wake up Yelena and see if she wanted to do it with me. I pushed the covers off my body and the cold air hit my skin so I quickly put on a hoodie and socks and made my way to Yelena's room.

I had to tip toe and be really quiet due to the squeaky floor boards. Once I made it to her room I gently knocked the door so if she was awake she would be aware that I was there but no movement happened so I made my way in.

I sat on the edge of her bed and moved her messy blonde hair out of her face and caressed her cheek. Her eyes slowly flickered open and was slightly startled by my presence.

"hey sleepyhead" I giggled at her cuteness. "is it really morning already?" her raspy voice caught me of guard and I completely melted at the sound of it.

"no It's not morning yet it's 2:54" a puzzled look took over her face trying to piece together why I had woke her up but she didn't have enough to come to a conclusion.

"what's wrong is everything okay" her voice was genuinely concerned. I smiled at the concern and how much she cared for me.

"yeah everything is okay I was just wondering..." I trailed on now aware that I had woken her up this early to make fucking brownies. She raised her eyebrows to nudge me along my sentence. " if you would wanna make brownies with me" my voice low and muffled as I lost my eye contact with her.

She giggled a little and then wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. "of course I want to" and with that she kissed my head and stood up and wrapped a blanket around me as I was shivering a little.

We quietly made our way to the kitchen and started to gather all the ingredients we would need to make brownies. We shared a floor with Wanda and Nat but they was the furthest from the kitchen so I put some Christmas music on but not too loud. I started to dance a little to the beat of the music.

I pulled my phone out and searched for a recipe. After finding one we agreed on we decided to make gingerbread men as well.

We made the brownies first and then the ginger bread men and put them In the oven. We had made quiet the mess and I really didn't want to clean it but Yelena convinced me to help.

I picked up the flour to put it in the cupboard but them I had an idea. I put my hand in the bag and scooped my hand so I had a handful of flour. "hey lena" my voice laced with mischief. She quickly turned around to face me and as she did I threw the flour directly at her face.

She stood there in shock as I tried not to laugh. I thought she was made until she broke out in laughter which caused me to do the same.

I had loosened my once tight grip on the bag of flour and Yelena took this chance to grab the bag from my grasp and throw flour back at me but 2x more. I wiped the flour out of my eye as I went to grab the bag back but she moved it and I fell into her arms instead. Still gigging I told her I was going to get her back and she told me that I could try.

I looked up at her and pulled her into a passionate kiss and she happily did the same. Our kiss turned into a bit of a heated make out session. The music must've been a lot louder than we thought because it managed to wake up the two red-heads. We were still making out when the music turned down a lot which neither of noticed.

"don't mean to interrupt but what the fuck" Wanda's voice stern and scared the living jesus out of me and Yelena . My back was turned to the two red heads so I just looked at Yelena slightly giggling but also shitting myself that Nat had just walked into me and her younger sister making out in the middle of the night.

"care to explain" Nat said as I turned around. "ermm " was all that came out of my mouth. My mind had gone blank at any reasonable excuse why I was in this situation.

"we were just making brownies" Yelena butted in saving me from misery. Both of their faces looked very unconvinced. "just making brownies" Wanda asked. "yup" I answered quickly, too quickly. "you sure because it looked like you was all over my sister" Nat questioned me. I could feel my cheeks start to glow a bright red colour.

All of a sudden their facial expression changed into a smirk. This confused me so much. "what" I asked. " I told you" Wanda said towards at Nat. I looked at Yelena completely lost but she looked just as confused.

"You two really aren't that subtle" Nat laughed at us. I now pieced it all together, they knew we had been seeing each other but didn't have enough evidence to be 100% sure.

"piss of both of you" Yelena said sternly clearly not amused how funny they found our confused look.

" fine fine we will leave you to it but just remember my room is not that far from yours-" Wanda gto cut off by Yelena dragging them both out the room to go away.

Just as she got back the oven beeped to tell us they were ready to come out of the oven. " so what does t-" I started when I felt two soft lips apply pressure to mine. She slowly pulled away and looked at me with only love in her eyes. " will you be my girlfriend?" my face lit up into a massive smile when I heard those words and immediately said yes.

We got out baked good out of the oven and looked at our masterpieces. "do you want to decorate the ginger bread men?" but before I knew it she had all the different colour icings out.

We made a complete mess of the kitchen by the time we were done and our art skills showed to be appalling but that was the best night of my life.

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