depressive episodes- w.m y.b n.r

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y/n struggles with mental illness and has done her entire life. She tends to fall into depressive episodes and then manic and a constant loop. A loop that is nothing but draining and hard to explain. I mean imagine not being able to leave bed for days even weeks. No energy to do anything other than the essentials; well some of the essentials. Eating tends not to be an essential until completely vital and even then she in reluctant. She never meant to stop eating but unconsciously whenever she was stressed or anxious she would completely lose her appetite and then over time she didn't want to eat anything. Without food she had no energy which kind of put her back into a depressive state. This would always worry Wanda (her girlfriend of 2 years) because she never really knew how to help. But equally if she wasn't in a depressive episode she was manic it was like going from 0-100 faster than a race car. When she was manic she was impulsive nothing you could say or do would change her mind and the more dangerous the better. In these states it wasn't like she was hoping to die but she liked the enjoyment of the possibility she wouldn't go out of her way to kill herself but she wouldn't exactly prevent it either. She just kind of wanted to feel alive and she didn't care how she did it Anyway y/n had fallen deep into a depressive episode but soon she would go straight back to manic and Wanda struggles to manage it and help.

*current time Wanda's POV)

Y/n hasn't left her bed in over a week. I'm used to her being like this sometimes but I still don't really know how to help best in these situations. She wont speak to me and is either sleeping or staring at the walk with blank eyes and dull emotion like she wasn't all there. Usually It wasn't this bad but she hasn't eaten in 4 days and im really worrying about her. She refuses to eat she barely drinks anything. Bruce started her on some medication over a year ago but when she gets this bad she doesn't take them which doesn't help but she always argues that they make her feel worse. Im not fully convinced because when she takes them she is up and out of bed and doing things with the team but when she doesn't she gets like this. Ive tried everything I have tried talking to her ive made her food and tried to help her eat it but she is practically un-responsive. I decide to go to my last resort and talk to her sisters.

I go to Yelenas room and slowly knock on the door as to not startle her. "come in" she says. I slowly entered and Natahsa was luckily already there. They looked to be having a movie night together. Ever since Yelena was rescued from the red room and they took down Draycov they have been trying to catch up on the sibling things they missed on the try to involve y/n aswell but with her being younger she usually just likes her own space. "whats up Wands, everything okay?" Natasha asks as she sits up with a slightly worried face after scanning my expression.

"its y/n she has gotten really bad again and I don't know how to help I though you two would know how to help a bit more than I would" I was fiddling with my hands as I spoke I was nervous about worrying the two of them but I honestly don't know what to do.

"is she eating?" I shook my head. "has she gotten out of bed?" "no" I mumbled. "is she taking her meds" "no she refuses to take them says they make her feel worse"

"it's okay wands we got It can you run downstairs and grab her meds and a glad of water?"

I did what I was asked and practically ran downstairs coming back upstairs and meeting them outside of me and y/n's room.

Yelena's pov:

Natasha opened the door and it was practically pitch black other than the sunlight on the edges of the curtains. It looked like the room was uninhabited you would never think someone was living in there other than the ball shape under the covers.

"y/n can you sit up for me?"

No response she must be quite bad. I sat on the floor next to bed whilst Natasha and Wanda sat carefully on the bed.

"Y/n come on we have your meds you need to take them they will help you feel better and then we can watch a movie all 4 of us if you would like?"

"I don't want them" she mumbled just under a whisper.

"I know love but you cant keep dong this to yourself if you take them we can do anything you want you know we aren't leaving you like this you should know better than this"

She slowly sat up admitting defeat knowing that we would all camp out on the bed if she didn't cooperative.

Wanda passed her the pills and the glass of water. She reluctantly took them and swallowed the water as if she had just drank poison.

She fell into Wanda's arms and hugged her and kept apologising for being a "mess". Me and Natasha took that as our que to leave and come back later to do something fun.

Wanda's POV:

I cradled her in my arms and kept her close and kept reassuring her that it was okay and she didn't have to apologise for anything. I loved her so much and even though sometimes I didn't know how to help her I can guarantee I would never let this girl go through anything alone. However I knew that soon to come was a manic state that would be equally chaotic.


This was very rushed as I have had no sleep but have forgotten to post in ages so thought it was about time. This one was based of personal experiences and was thinking of writing a manic episode next if you would like to read that. Sorry for any spelling errors.

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