We'll protect you- y.b, w.m, n.r

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You and your boyfriend had been dating for a year and a half. Everyone knew that you were in a relationship and your boyfriend was highly protective and was not scared to get in a fight with anyone.

You were happy and wouldn't change anything, but recently he had been drinking more than usual and he never could handle his drinks.

When he had too many he got aggressive and you were to scared to fight against him and you equally knew that he was stronger than you as much as you hated t admit it.

You turned up to the compound which is where all your friends lived as Avengers. You hadn't been hit in a few days but that didn't mean that you didn't still have a black eye and a slightly cut lip from your last fight.

"what happened to your lip doll" bucky was like an older brother to you and was also protective of you. Everyone had a bit of suspicion that something was wrong between you and your boyfriend. But none of them had enough evidence to prove that it was him. You also wouldn't dare to tell them the truth because if he ever found out you were more than certain that he would literally kill you.

"I fell" I lied straight through my teeth not even questioning it. I had lied to a lot of people about what was going on that now it had become second nature.

"are you sure this is what the third time now that you have had bruises on you and told us that you fell" Tony pushed. They were catching on and you knew it, from now on you would have to be more careful on hiding it.

"what can I say I am clumsy" you chuckled slightly to make your lie more believable. Everyone backed of you from then but the 2 red heads and Yelena were watching you closer. Shit.

2 of them were trained assassins and would surely catch on and make you tell the truth and that was if Wanda hadn't already read your mind and told the other two.

"y/n can I talk to you in my room please" Wanda asked. She knew. "uh sure" I hesitated. "I'm coming" "me too" the other two girls replied.

You slowly trailed behind Wanda into her room and the two sisters followed behind you. You perched on the edge of the soft bed. You hadn't slept in a bed in over a week because you had been banished to the sofa to your boyfriend.

"What's really happening and don't lie to me because I'll just read your mind" now I had 2 options. Try my best to lie and just pray to God that she doesn't read my mind or tell them the truth and try and convince them not to do anything. But equally you knew that the second you told them the truth they would want to beat your boyfriend to death

You sighed in defeat and decided to mix your options. "you think I'm lying" you questioned before starting. "I think there's more to the story" she replied quick. The two sisters were standing up just watching your every move looking for any signs that you were lying.

"fine, but before I start and I mean this your not aloud to read my mind" your expression was stern and she nodded slightly. You didn't believe her though. " he hit me once before because he had too much to drink but I swear it was just the once and this was just we being clumsy"

"he hit you" Yelena burst out. "just the once, I handled it so please don't go do anything so please just drop it"

None of them was happy with what you had told them and they wanted to go confront him but knew it wouldn't help your situation.

You went home that night and they decided to drop it for now.

1 week later~~~~~

Your boyfriend stumbled into the flat that you two lived in together. You were across the room but could already smell the disgusting booze smell that emitted off his body like a deadly gas.

You knew just by the state he was in it would be a long night for you. Within seconds off him being 'home' he was shouting that the apartment was too busy and that you was lazy.

He flung his arms around her head hitting you with sheer force. Your body ached from all his blows that somehow landed perfectly of every muscle that he aimed at.

30 minutes later you were covered in bruises and cuts all over your body. This is the worst he has ever hit you. You could hardly move but you managed to get yourself up of the floor that he had left you on and grabbed your phone.

You slowly walked out of the apartment that had somehow turned from a place you felt safe in to somewhere you got beat.

It was winter and your clothes where thin meaning you got cold extremely fast. It was 2 in the morning and you had no clue where to go or who to call. You had no money and your phone was running out of battery.

Your last resort was Yelena. Nat and Wanda were never good at picking up their phones so your best bet was Yelena.

"hey lyubov, everything okay"

A wave of guilt travelled through your body as her voice was raspy meaning you had woken her up.

"can you come pick me up" your voice was shaky after the events that had happened.

"where are you, are you okay" her voice no longer sounded raspy now just concern.

"no not really something happened, I don't know where I am but ill send you the location"

"I'll be there as fast as I can" you could hear her sheets rustling.

"I sent it to you"

"okay ill be the-"

She was cut off by your phone dying.

You stood in the same spot shivering as the cold air hit your cuts harshly. In less than 10 minutes a car you recognised pulled up and 3 people got out.

They all looked at you with deep concern. "did he do this to you?" Natasha's voice boiling with anger. You just nodded you couldn't bring yourself to talk about it. Wanda helped you into the car with the other two girls.

She held you in her eyes the hole way back to the compound as you were evidently cold. When you got in everyone looked at you. Yelena must've woke them all up before she left or something.

You kept your eyes on the floor feeling too vulnerable for your liking and the girls guided you to the bathroom. They all helped you clean the cuts that he had left and didn't force you to talk about it at all knowing that it wasn't the time.

You slept in Yelena's bed that night even though you were happy to sleep on the sofa she insisted. She held you in her arms and kept promising that he wouldn't hurt you anymore. She had never lied to you before and you knew this time wasn't different. She really cared about you and never complained once that she was tired because she stayed up with you as you cried. She just kept comforting you. 

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