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After taking down the last few Hydra bases the team decided that we had earned ourselves a vacation.

It took a while to decide where we was going but we ended up deciding to go to Spain. It was my suggestion as I loved the culture and the language, in fact none of the ream knew it but I am fluent in Spanish.

Our holiday was 2 weeks long and even though it was a team vacation most days people would go off and do their own thing.

I obviously stayed with my girlfriend Yelena and was often with Nat and sometimes Wanda.

We explored the town we were staying in and diving into their culture head first and loved it.

Today was the first day of the second week and I had bene woken up to the noise of the birds outside and the light shining through the half closed curtains.

To my surprise Yelena was already awake with a coffee in hand and another coffee on the counter top next to me.

"morning" I grumbled with my morning voice that I knew she loved even though I thought I sounded like a croaky man.

"finally your up" I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic comment and stretched my arms to tell my body it was time to get up.

I leaned over and got my coffee and started drinking as I sat up next to Yelena.

"what do you want to do today" she asked me through sips. "I'm not too sure." Still waking up my mind didn't want to have to think about things to do.

"how about we go to the beach?" I wasn't a massive fan of the beach because the sand irritated me way too much for it to be enjoyable but I knew this is something she wanted to do and I heard Nat talking about it yesterday so she would want to join. "sure I'll go get ready"

An hour later we had arrived at the beach. I wont lie it looked so amazing, the waves crashing in perfect harmony and the sand glistened as it heated up from the sun.

There was cliffs on the left side that people were using to do cliff jumping. It had signs all over saying not too but It looked so fun people ignored it.

We set up the area where we kept all of our stuff and Wanda and Nat had joined us as I expected. I decided I didn't want to go in the water yet so pulled out my book and started to read.

After a while everyone else decided to go In the water and cool off but I remained where I was for a while.

A group of boys that we had be-friended came over to me and was asking if I could help them with something on the top of the cliff.

I didn't really want to move but they begged until I gave in and I got dragged over to the cliffs.

"so what did-" I got cut off by one the boys grabbing my waist and picking me up to which I started to beg to be put down as they edged closer to the edge of the cliff.

"we are helping you have fun, you haven't got in the water yet." One of them stated but I was too panicked to see who said it.

"no no please just put me down" I pleaded but before I knew it I got thrown over the egde. But because I wasn't the one who jumped they didn't have enough momentum to throw me far enough away from the rocks beneath me.

As I plummeted through the air about to hit into the water beneath me I heard a scream from a distance. I realised it was Wanda but I had already hit the water.

The water was cold even though the atmosphere above was the opposite. I was trying to fight my back up to the surface but I was going deeper. My legs were kicking frantically trying desperately to got to the surface.

My head hit a rock and my vision went blurry. I started to get tunnel vision and then everything went black. I could still hear the light sounds of the water even if it was muffled.

The main sound that I could here was water filling into my lungs. My body took a few more hits of the rocks until I was just sinking.

My lungs filled with water I was exhausted I couldn't fight anymore.

I felt a slight pressure on my chest and my mouth tingled with air but I was still out of it. The water still sat in my lungs and I felt like I was dying.

I started choking up the water in my lungs and open my eyes to see familiar blonde hair leaning over me. I realised that the pressure in my chest was from her doing CPR. My vision was still blurry but I noticed the other two red heads surrounding me. Nat was holding pressure on a massive cut on my head and Wanda doing the same to the cut on my leg.

It was still hard to breathe but I was quickly coming to my senses. I felt so tired and the sound started to muffle again.

"The ambulance is on their way" Wanda said. My eyes shut until I felt cold hands grab my face gently. It was Yelena. "no don't clos your eyes okay you have to stay awake" I could make out what she was saying but it was hard.

"The ambulance won't be able to get her here we have to take her up the beach" Nat suggested. All of a sudden the pain hit me like a brick and I couldn't help but groan in pain.

"There's no way she is walking on this leg" Wanda said whilst her hands were covered in my blood.

"I'll carry her but we have to be quick she doesn't look good" and before I knew it I was scooped into Yelena's arms as she practically ran up the beach with Nat and Wanda following.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and before I knew it I had passed out in my girlfriends arms.




Was the first thing I heard when I came around. I felt a loose grip on my hand and the light snores of the three girls that stayed in the hospital room with me.

My body ached in pain which caused me to squeeze my girlfriends hand. She immediately sat up like a meercat.

"y/n your awake!" her voice raspy but sweet. My throat ached too much to use it so I just gave her a soft smile. "are you in pain?" every inch of my body was in pain and I couldn't hide that. I nodded ever so slightly and she rushed out the room to get the doctor.

When the doctor came back they gave me pain killers. It helped me with the pain a lot.

I was really tired and Yelena saw this on my face. "go to sleep I'll be here" she whispered to try and hum me to sleep.

I moved up a bit to make space and looked at the space then back at Yelena to signal that I wanted her to join me.

" I can't bub I might hurt you" she whispered again. "please" my voice dry from the lack of use. I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and she gave in.

She very carefully slid into the bed next to me and put her arm around me. I rested my head on her chest and her heartbeat was the last thing that I heard before lulling off to sleep.

The holiday got cut short and it was very painful but everyone especially the girls made sure to take care of me and promised me I was safe with them. 

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