please come- Y.B

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this is really bad but i havent posted in ages and felt bad.

It has been a long day to say the least. Everything today has just made my day worse. For example, my alarm didn't go off in the morning so I was late to work and if I wasn't late enough there was so much traffic on the motorway so I was about an hour late to work. All day I had my boss on my back about paper works that I hadn't done yet. So to relief some of the stress I fell back into bad habits by going to the bar and drinking. I'm not an aggressive drunk but I am over confident and am wayyy to sarcastic. So when I heard someone say a very inappropriate about my girlfriend because she's an Avenger and they were insulting her so I had to step in. There was 6 drunk men middled aged about 50-60 chatting shit and I stepped in front of them and without thinking punched them. And I was highly out numbered so it didn't end well. All of us got chucked out of the bar but that didn't stop the fight. I got pinned up against the wall and constantly hit until I nearly blacked out and they decided to leave me laying in a pool of my own blood. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit one up unable to move any more but after I managed to get enough strength to get my phone out and call my girlfriend.


Hey honey, you okay I thought you was supposed to be home an hour ago?


Can you come pick me up I can't move


Where are you and why do you sound out of breathe and why can't you move....


Just please hurry ill send you my location. I love you

*Phone call ended*

I sat there and waited for Yelena to come find me as I slowly bled out and filled my lungs with harsh smoke. About 10 mins later I saw car lights blinding my vision and then El heading towards me.

Yelena: what the hell happened to you?

Me: it's a long story tbh

She picked me up and helped me into the car and took me home and looked after me and cleaned all my cuts and gave me a whole speech about how I shouldn't of drank that much or smoked. But in all honesty I kind of zoned out. Just don't tell her that.

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