Nat fluff-[request]

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sorry it's so short more will come.

You had gone on a mission with a few members of the team, it was nothing big a simple mission if you would. You where home safely back in your girlfriends arms within 7 hours. (she didn't come on the mission with you)

The mission was easy and you were all only left with bruises and 'minor' cuts.

You didn't want to tell anyone about getting 'lightly' stabbed if that is even a thing because you knew that they would make you stay in the lab for the night to make sure and then you wouldn't be cuddling with your girlfriend now.

Well that was the main reason. The other reason was ever since hydra took you claimed as doctors you had always been scared of them. Even though you fully trusted Bruce it was the just the idea you hated.

You had managed to stitch up the kind of deep stab wound on your abdomen but your stitching skills where not the best and you had no anaesthesia so It was extremely painful.

You and Natasha where in bed and it was 11pm. You both decided to have a movie night as you where tired from the mission and quite frankly in a lot of pain.

Nat was almost always the big spoon because she liked protecting you but tonight she was extra cuddly and wanted you to hold her.

This was perfectly fine until she moved onto your chest. Direct contact with the fresh stitches.

As she moved her weight onto your chest you slightly hissed to which she looked up at you in confusion. You ignored her look and focused back onto the tv trying to advert the attention from you.

She focused back on the tv as well ignoring what she thought she saw.

As the hours went by your chest only started to hurt more. It was like a throbbing and burning sensation all in one. As you looked down to try and see if it was bleeding through your clothes or anything strange noticeable you caught a slight glance of a big red stain hovering over the area where the stitches are.

You immediately started to panic and tried to think of your best options of getting into the bathroom to re do the stitches as they had clearly broken.

Nat caught on to your constant moving around and looked at you confused. As she did so she put her hand on your chest to help lift herself up to which you groaned in pain and her hand immediately soaked in your blood.

She snapped her head down towards your chest to see the blood and gasped in shock.

"omg y/n what the hell happened" she started applying pressure to your chest to help stop the flow of the blood from pouring out of you.

She shouted for the team to help her as she couldn't lift you up and keep the pressure on the wound.

The team came running in due to the pure shock that she was shouting for everyone and automatically saw what had happened.

Bruce carried you and Tony held the pressure you started to feel a little light headed but was still awake.

They placed you on the metal table in the lab and Nat kept hold of you hand. They lifted your shirt off and started to re stitch it.

Time skip because I can~~~~~~~

You had gotten stitched up and Nat was not best pleased by the fact you thought you could hide your injury. Usually when she got angry at you, you would have to win her approval back.

However, because you were injured so forced to be on bed rest for the next couple of weeks she was helping you with every little thing and was being really sweet.

You were both cuddled up in bed still on bed rest.

"if you ever tried to hide an injury I'll kill you myself" she said in a sarcastic tone. "I know I'm sorry it won't happen again"

She gave you a I know you won't look and you both snuggled closer together as you drifted off into a euphoric sleep.

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