tired- y.b

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You just got back from a solo mission. It was nothing big just the usual taking down bad guys but for some reason when you got home you were so tired.

You got home at 10:30 as planned. Wanda had made you some extra food for when you got home but all you wanted was to sleep.

You dragged your heavy body upstairs into you and Yelena's room and just dove onto the bed and practically on top of Yelena.

"hey babe you okay" she giggled at how you entered the room. You just grumbled in response. "why don't you go have a shower and I'll heat up some food for you?" her suggestion sounded nice but just laying on the best seemed nice so you didn't reply and just stayed there.

"you too tired?" her hand rubbing gentle circled into your back which only made you crave sleep more. "mhm" was your best response.

She got up and walked to the bathroom, you missed the heat her body gave off. You heard the bath start to run and then she came back into the room. She picked you up and took you to the bathroom and placed you onto the counter top.

She started to mess with the bath checking the temperature wasn't too hot or cold and then put a bath bomb in and some bath salts. The lavender smell immediately filled your senses.

Once the bath was ready she helped you strip your clothes off and placed you in the bath. She got in behind you and you melted into her touch.

"you can sleep if you want and I will wake you up when we get out" yes sleeping in a bath full of water was not a good idea but you knew Yelena would let nothing hurt you and you were safe so accepted the offer and dozed off to sleep.

She washed your body gently as to not wake you up and then started to massage shampoo into your scalp. When she did this you hummed in your sleep to signify your contentment. She washed the shampoo out of your hair and then placed the conditioner in her hands and ran her hands through your hair to the ends.

After washing out the conditioner she gently woke you up by placing soft kisses on your face and neck. She got out the bath and wrapped a towel around herself before doing the same to you.

She helped you get changed and then got changed herself.

"darling, I know your tired but you need to eat something" you agreed as you were quite hungry and walked down into the kitchen with her. She heated up Wanda's left overs and you sat in a comfortable silence whilst you ate.

When you got back upstairs you bolted into the bed and got comfy in Yelena's arms as she got a book and started reading.

"can you read to me Lena?" she smiled at your request and then started to read. She put on silly voices for different characters and made a great story teller. You soon enough fell asleep and the last thing you heard was her saying " sleep well my love". 

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