Little one- yb

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Authors note: this was a request so i hope it is okay. I didn't know which pronouns to use so i used they/them. This one isn't as long but i think i like this one more. Hope you enjoy the read.

Yelenas POV:

it was midday on a january day and i was getting ready for our next mission which was in 10 minuetes. As i zipped up my suit and swung my jacket around my shoudlers i heard a soft knock on my door.

Because of the Red room i have become very aware to sounds and who they belong to and i recognised this knock as the one and only Natasha Romanoff AKA my loving older sister. 

I had gotten back from the red room around a year ago and Natalia has been helping me find more confort within my new life style and has worked on our relationship a lot. I have never felt safety like this in a very long time and to be honest it felt amazing, living my own life and making my own desicions after years of being controlled.

"come in" i barely whispered

Nat slowly appeared in the frame of my door, she was already reading her hair hung in her signature plaite and her suit framed her body.

"you ready, everyones already waiting?"

"oh sorry yeah lets go" i spoked as we both lead our ways out of my room and towards the living room where they were all waiting.

Steve gave a quick briefing about the mission it was always the same fight the bad guys and save the innocents.

Time skip 10 mins:

We were all sat on the quinjet getting into the mind set that would be needed to exicute this mission. 

as the quinjet's wheels carefully hit the ground beneath us the jet shook a little signalling that it was time to fight.

20 mins later Yelenas POV:

We had succecfully taken down all the bad guys with none of the team getting injured which wasn't always the case. 

I was getting ready to board the jet again when i heard someone sobbing. My head spun as i immediatly recognised those cries. My heart started racing, was it really them? My eyes flickered to every surface possible to try and see them or know where they were. 

I saw a dark alleyway i hadn't noticed before now. My legs picked up the pace at the thought that it was actually them. As i turned the dark corner i couldn't see anything as above had been covered in rubble.

The cries got louder. i was getting closer. I saw a small flicker of eyes coming from the very corner of the alleyway.

"Y/N?" i called out to the desolated street.

"mama" was all i coudl decifer between sobs. My legs started running towards the small figure curled into a ball. My heart was now pounding because i had actually found her. The whole time i had been rescued from the red room i had been on a mission to try and find them, i knew they needed me. I was the only one they was ever open about being a little.

"it's me it's mama" i whispered as to not frighten them. I saw their eyes light up at the recognition of my voice.

"come here little one" i cooed softly. Without a second doubt they crawled into my open arms. They was safe as so was i. For the first time in both of our lives we were safe and together. In the red room that felt like an idelic fanatsy that was impossible. But right now they were in my arms and neither of us was being controlled it was them and me in that moment and no one else.

After a little bit of holding them their cries turned to light sobs. But i kept my arms around them like a protective barrier warding off any danger.

"can i pick you up, and take you home?" they coudln't form proper words but slightly nodded so i scooped them into my arms cradling them. They proably haven't  slipped much since i havent been around which is why they are so deep in their headspace at the moment , but i didn't mind. I have missed this so much, holding them in my arms as if nothing else mattered in the world.

I slowly made my way towards the jet so happy that i had heard them and not just gone home. As i walked on my sister looked at me puzzed but i couldn't explain it in words right now. I signalled to Wanda to read my mind to tell Nat.

Wanda went into my mind and i told her everthing about how they was a little and how i was their caregiver and how i have been searching for them the entire year. Wandas face lit up as she realised how much happiness this little brought me and she knew we woudl be inseperable (ps we totally were)

Wanda pulled Natasha to the side to fill her in and Nat knew who they were. They had never met eachother but i had told nat about a million storys in the past.

My little had fallen asleep in my arms and they only ever did this when they felt really safe.

"you can rest now little one" i whispered into their hair as i pecked their forehead.

When we got back home i carried them to my room and set them down in the bed. I went to go downstairs but as i let go they started to wake up, so i quickly held them back in my arms on the bed and didn't let go. This was the life i had fought so hard for and i had always thought it was impossible. But right now my loving sister was downstairs, my new family was cooking food and my little was fast asleep in my arms, within minuetes i was also alseep, i had everything i coudl ever ask for and this moment was perfect.

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