5 more minuets- y.b

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trigger warnings- mention of blood i think that's it 

words- 1546

this is based off the song that goes ' if we had 5 more minuets'


The whole team was on the mission as it was a pretty big Hydra base that we had to take down. But it was nothing any of us couldn't handle. I was fighting off some guards and Wanda was doing some ' wiggly woo's' with her magic. I could see in the corner of my eye that Yelena and Nat was doing some badass moves and destroying anything that came in their way. I could hear Hulk smashing things making his anger undefeatable. Basically everything was going to play there was only a few more guards by me so everyone else went back into the base to double check it was everyone. 

It was the last guard i stabbed him and was just about to celebrate. This aching came from my stomach and as i slowly looked down i saw a knife planted straight through my stomach. "shit" i sighed out defeated. How on earth did he stab me i had him i killed him. Why didn't i just pay more attention to how he was fighting. My knees buckled underneath me as blood was pouring from my abdomen.

I could barely move the pain was so intense, regardless i tried my best effort to grab my radio. "hey guys, i need some help" i looked down at my bloody hand as i tried to stop the bleeding "and quick" i trembled. In a matter of seconds they had appeared.

They ran over too me and Yelena removed my hand from the wound so she could replace it with hers. She had applied more pressure than i had which caused pain to shoot through my veins. I winced. " i know  detka I'm sorry It's going to hurt but i have to stop the bleeding" she spoke with a calm tone but i could tell she was trying not to tremble.

My eyes started to close as this weight on my chest got heavier and heavier with every breathe every thought made it harder and harder.

Wanda grabbed my hand so i could release some of the pressure into her hand. I did, i didn't want to hurt her that was the last thing i wanted to do but the pain was excruciating . I squeezed her hand tightly trying not to let my eyelids close. But it was so hard.

I closed my eyes before Yelena shook me, " hey no don't do that you have to stay awake for just 5 minuets okay please lyubov moya" this time she didn't try to lace her words with a clam tone. She wasn't calm the love of her life was dying in her arms and she couldn't do anything about it. My eyes kept slowly shutting as i heard Yelena mumbling to herself "no no why just 5 minuets and we would of been on the jet home. please no why stay with me y/n"

Wanda kept waking me up but as i lost more and more blood it took her longer to wake me up. The faint noise of the jet could be heard behind us. " okay y/n this is going to hurt but i need to pick you up and take you to the jet" without hesitation or confirmation from me she picked me up practically running towards the jet.

She placed me on a cold table that had only recently been added to the jet incase of an emergency. Who knew we would have to use it so soon after installation. Bruce was now the one applying pressure to my wound and Yelena was holding my hand. The rest of the team cleared space for them to work but was in close proximity to be able to see if i was okay.

In the end i passed out from pain and loss of blood. But before i did i could ever so slightly hear Bruce saying " i don't think she is going to last 5 minuets I'm sorry" his sincere tone was evident. That was all i heard until i lost all my senses. My hand no longer held onto Yelena's even though i knew she wouldn't stop holding mine.

Yelena's POV

She has now passed out. God please let her be okay. I wasn't religious by any means but i prayed for the first time to God that she would be okay. The ride to the compound was the worst with minimal equipment to help her there wasn't much we could do to help her.

When we arrived at the compound we ran her to the lab and stitched her up. I wasn't aloud in the lab as i couldn't theoretically help so i was forced to wait with the others. I did laps of the room countless times trying to calm myself down but i couldn't when the most important person in my life could die at any moment.

After a few hours Bruce left the lab and informed us all that the surgery went as planned but she had lost a lot of blood and due to that she was in a coma. Even though she was in a coma and wasn't awake i couldn't help but feel relieved that for now she was okay.

Time skip~~~~~~

It had been 2 months since the accident and she was still in a coma. I hadn't left her side apart form when i needed the bathroom but even then i was speedy to be back at her side. She had made absolutely no progress apart from her stitches healing well. Well that was until she woke up today.

I was reading my book sat by her side when i sad something move in the corner of my eye. I looked in the direction but nothing was moving i was about to go back to my bed until i saw her hand move slightly again.


I felt awake but it complete darkness. I could hear pages being flicked and someone breathing close by and muffled noise from the distance but again i couldn't see where it was coming from through the darkness. I mustered up all my strength to move my hand. With all the effort that i put in i thought i would be able to raise it to the sky but in reality there was a tiny twitch. 

A few minuets passed and i finally managed to open my eyes. My girlfriend staring back at me with her emerald green eyes. I smiled ever so slightly but it took to much energy to do anything else. " i'm so glad you're okay lyubov moya " her voice was raspy so it must've been quiet early because she only ever had a raspy voice in the morning. But as i looked around that couldn't be the case because the sun was too bright. 

I tried to speak but my throat was sore and dry from the lack of H2O. Yelena quickly clocked onto this and grabbed water and held it up to me helping me take a sip. I coughed and slowly spoke. " hey" my voice was much more raspy than hers but i guess that's what happens when you don't speak for a while and then it occurred to me i didn't know how long i had been out for.

"how long have i.. you know?" awaiting the answer fear filled my body because what if it was weeks, months what if it was a year! "roughly 2 month" i looked back pure shock in my eyes. I had been asleep for 2 months and yet i still felt tired and not well rested.

I tried to sit up but groaned in pain. "take it easy detka stay led in bed for now" she suggested. " can you come cuddle me?" i questioned. I was tired and wanted to sleep but i just wanted to sleep in her arms. " i can't i'm sorry i don't want to hurt you" she looked ad that she had too reply this way but i wasn't giving in. " you won't i promise please" i probed knowing she couldn't say no for long before she gave up. " fine but if i hurt you i'm moving, deal?" she gave in a lot easier than i expected but i was happy with the outcome. "yeah deal" i sounded like a kid who just got told they can have candy.

She slowly crawled into bed being extremely careful where she put pressure. I moved my head onto her chest and sighed contently. She kissed my hairline and whispered " I've missed you" i smiled and she felt that and giggled. I yawned in exhaustion and nestled my head further into her chest. She wrapped her arms around me protectively and we both dozed of into a blissful sleep.

I'm so glad that i lasted 5 more minuets when i got stabbed. It was painful for both of us in different ways but i'm so glad that our story didn't end there. I loved her and i wanted to marry her one day and start a family together. Yelena helped me all the way through my recovery and i can't believe that i got such an amazing girlfriend.  

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