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I used to be in Hydra's control so nightmares where a sort of must. They robbed my sleep until I felt on edge all the time. The worst is when I can't tell if it's a dream or not. Tonight was the worst.

*Wanda's dream*

I was strapped to the cold metal chair that left an easy feeling on the bare skin that it touched. I knew I would be captured by them again just like they threatened. The fact that I was back here in the torture chamber hurt but not as much as the empty promise the Avengers had used against me.

Whenever I was stressed out about getting taken when I was with the Avengers they would tell me that they would protect me.

But that was a lie. I was just a piece in their game of chess.

I would rather be dead than be back here again. The sounds of people's screams still lingered in the corridors as a threat to not try and be a hero.

I was in a complete haze until gun shots erupted in the rooms around me.


I knew that voice, I could recognise it even if I had no confirmation that it was her. It was Y/n.

She slammed the door wide open and stopped in her tracks when she saw my fragile state in the chair. The lack of hope in my eyes clearly made her worry but she didn't have time.

The guards footsteps where getting closer and closer. She ran up to me and got me out of the restraints checking me over for serious injury's.

When she was satisfied that I was okay to run we sneaked back out. I could see the door that I had come through too many times before. I was safe with her. We would be okay.

I was running forward with nothing to hold me back until I heard another gun shot.

My head whipped back to y/n's position. Her hand over her stomach. Her eyes going black. Blood spilled through the fabric of her clothes like a flooding river. I ran to her side just in time as she fell back. I caught her head before it hit the ground.

"stay with me y/n" I couldn't hide how worried I was she had been shot and was dying and I couldn't do anything.

Her eyes starting to close. No No she can't die. She's going to be okay I told myself but I knew she was dying and wasn't going to make it.

I was trying my best to stop the blood but it just kept coming. Her body was limp and her eyes were closing for longer and longer each time.

I felt two arm grab mine and drab me back. It was the guards. I watched her take her last breathe as I cried uncontrollably. She grew smaller and smaller as I was dragged deeper into the building and back to my soul.

I have never wanted to die more than this moment.

*back to normal*

I felt two hands clasp around my shoulders as they gently shook me awake. Tears stained my face from my nightmare and I was confused.

"you're okay but I need you to breathe okay. Just breathe" Her voice was reassuring but I couldn't breathe.

She died and I couldn't do anything about it. Wait what if she was hurt.

Without thinking about it I lifted up her shirt and ran my finger across the delicate skin that covered her stomach. I needed to know she hadn't been shot and that it was a dream.

Once my hands ran across her skin 2 more times to be certain she was okay she gently grabbed my hands.

"baby please you need to breathe" but it was so real she died and I couldn't do anything what if that happened in real life.

I was quickly snapped out of my haze when she leant in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back for a second confused on what was happening. I then melted into the kiss and my breathe evened out when she pulled away.

"and you said teen wolf is full of nonsense" her voice bubbly to try and make me laugh and to my surprise I let out a giggle.

My body slowly relaxing as she held me close to hers so I could hear her heat beat which she knew always calmed me down.

Sleep slowly creeped back through my mind as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear to remind me that I was safe.

I don't know what I would do if I lost y/n but Ididn't have to think about that right now. We were both safe in each other's grasp.

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