Mama? - y/n, yb, nr

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This was a request so hope you enjoy. This was a little rushed so sorry for any errors. Enjoy!

3rd person POV:

All of the avengers had been called to a mission in half of an hour. The mission was to capture a girl that was still under control of the red room. This mission was mainly important to Natasha and Yelena as that is where they grew up and barely escaped from. They had spent the past few years trying to rescue as many of the girls as they could but it was never going to be as simple as that. It had been years since they started rescuing the other girls that were still under Dreykovs control and they had no clue how many girls were left but they would keep fighting for the girls in the same way they wished someone would save them. All of the avengers were in their own respected rooms suiting up and getting ready for what was about to happen.

30 minutes later:

All of the avengers were going over the plan on how they were going to distract the girl and set her free from Dreykovs control. Yelena had a gut wrenching feeling, a feeling of intense anxiety, it was if her body was trying to tell her something but couldn't speak. She decided to ignore it and class it as just being nervous.

Natasha's POV:

I looked over at my younger sister to see her leg bouncing up and down and her eyes had a glossed over look. It was If her body was there but mentally she was somewhere else. Ever since she has been living at the Avengers tower I have been looking after her and have notices some of the tell signs of when something isn't just right with her. One of them being her leg bouncing when she is nervous or has anxiety. Just as I was about to get up and sit next to her to reassure that everything was going to be okay the jet landed.

Everyone stood up in unison ready to get off. My sister took a second to realize we were here and then she stood up just as fast.

When we got off we all started to get into our posts ready to set this poor girl free. Whenever we get called onto these types of mission I always to check to see if I recognize the girl but I have never seen this girl before.

My head was in focus mode but that quickly changed when I heard my sister shout "mama". My head snapped to where my sister was only to see her running at this girl.

Yelena's POV:

The minute my eyes saw the girl I realized it wasn't just another girl from the red room. It was mama. I was a few years younger than her and I was in the red room when we were first introduced but at first we wasn't that close. However, when Natasha left me she looked after me, she took me under her wing even though she could of gotten into a lot of trouble. I had been searching for her for ages but never had any luck but here she is standing in front of me. Wearing the same suit that i used to wear when I was in the red room.

I tried to calm myself down but at that moment my body was moving faster than my brain could think. Before I could even process what was happening my legs were running to mama as if the world would collapse if I didn't.

Her eyes met mine and her stance went from closed off and protective to her arms wide out ready for me to jump into them.

She was the only person who knew that I was actually a witch and not just a assassin. She helped me control my powers in her free time and swore to never tell anyone without my permission, and to my appreciation she had always kept that promise.

When my body made contact with hers she ingulfed me into the best hug I've had for years, I felt like I was a little kid again. Safe In my mother's arms at last.

Without even realizing it I had gone from a deadly assassin back to the little I was in heart. My brain was trying to resist slipping in front of all of the avengers because I hadn't told them yet but my body melted like butter on a warm day.

My ability to form proper sentences had vanished into thin air and the only thing I could say properly was 'mama' which even then was slightly slurred as if someone had taken my identity and switched it with a toddlers.


Within seconds of hugging the girl I class as my own I could sense that she had slipped. I looked up to meet the gaze of the one and only Natasha Romanoff. Her faze looked extremely confused and suddenly the realization that Yelena probably hadn't told them anything settled in. I carefully picked the little one up and walked towards her actual sister.

"I think I have some explaining to do huh?"

She quickly realized that I was not a threat to be careful of but someone who she should listen to. So, we slowly walked onto the quinjet so I could fill her in, about what she missed when she left Yelena behind at the red room.

Halfway getting home, I had realized that Yelena had fallen asleep in my arms so lowered my voice to a dim whisper as not wake the sleeping beauty.

As we got to the place Yelena now calls home I placed her in bed and answered any questions Natasha wanted to ask.

After a while of talking we agreed that I should stay with them to help Natasha understand the situation in more depth and to provide more comfort to Yelena. I knew that Yelena hadn't felt comfortable slipping since I have been gone which is why she slipped so easily when she saw me so as I stayed with them more often that not she was slipping and to be honest I completely adored her when she was little. I loved when she fell asleep in my embrace or when she couldn't properly form words. She was just so cute.


Sorry I have been so in active for so long, slowly trying to get back into writing. This wasn't spell checked so sorry for any confusion whilst reading. This was also requested so hope you enjoyed the read.

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