ADHD- y.b w.m

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( your dating Yelena in this and Wanda is like your older sister)


I've always struggled with ADHD even when i was a kid. Throughout school it was undiagnosed so it was a lot harder to focus with medication.

When I joined the Avengers 5 years ago Wanda noticed my symptoms and took me to get diagnosed. Wanda has always treated me like family and just as much as a sibling as Pietro.

Anyway, Wanda was very familiar with the signs that I hadn't taken my meds or was just generally struggling to focus. When i started to date Yelena a year ago she told her everything she knows so Yelena could help me just as much.

At the end of every month we all had to have a big meeting to see what went well on the missions and what needed improvement. I always found these a little hard to sit through since they were 4 hours long.

But today was hard time 1000. I was late to the meeting so i forgot to take my medication. I only realized when i was 30 minuets into the meeting and I couldn't exactly leave to get it.

I sat there trying to maintain my place and not fiddle but i couldn't. I really needed to just stand up and do something anything at all. 

I grabbed my pen off the table and started to click it. When people started looking at me i stopped because i was being too loud. I decided to take the pen apart and re-build it. I did this 7 times until it was no longer entertaining. I played with the spring until i accidently shot it across the room.

Thankfully no one saw because i would of definitely got told to stop. I put the pen back now that it was useless and started bouncing my leg up and down getting faster and faster with every second.

I hadn't noticed but Wanda had noticed that i clearly hadn't taken my meds and was now suffering the consequences. Unfortunately she was opposite me on the table. Next to me was Yelena and Thor on the other side.  

Wanda caught Yelena's attention and nodded in my direction signaling that something was up. As soon as Yelena saw my leg bouncing up and down she knew what was happening. 

She placed her hand on my shaking leg to stop it from bouncing while lightly caressing it. She knew i needed something to do so looked at her rings allowing me to play with them.

I rearranged them in different orders each one different than the last. I twisted and twirled them. Any way that you could fiddle with rings i probably did it and after 20 minuets i was bored again.

I started to pick away the skin around my fingers trying to get my mind to calm down and just listen to what was being said and discussed. 

Yelena quickly grabbed my hand at the sight of blood on my fingers. I was going insane in my head and Wanda and Yelena looked very visibly concerned for me.

Yelena gave me a pen and placed her hand on the desk in front of me. I moved it and placed it in my head. I covered her whole hand in little doodles. I loved drawing it always calmed me down and my head was always bursting with new ideas. There was only a little bit of space left i contemplated on what to draw until i came to my conclusion. In one spot i drew a little duck and named it Jemma and in the other i drew a pumpkin man/scarecrow. He was carrying hiking gear on his back and holding a tall stick for balance in his hand.

Once my canvas was full i got bored again. I rocked back and fourth on my chair testing gravity and physics. Seeing if i could go a little more back every time. Yelena grabbed the back of my chair and placed it on all fours when she saw that i was about to fall.

For the next 10 minuets i tried to just sit there and listen as i quickly realized this whole time i hadn't taken in a single word of what had been said. I tried to listen so i wasn't completely lost but all i could hear was the stupid ticking coming from the clock hanging on the wall.

I knew the sound was dull but it's all i could focus on and it was bothering me more and more the more i tried not to think about it. I kept looking back at it hoping it would just stop. But it didn't and it had only been an hour and a half since i last checked.

I tried my hardest but i couldn't take it any more every noise coming from anything and everything was annoying me. People breathing too loudly. The pages being flicked back and fourth as people were writing notes. The light tapping of people's shoes on the surface of the floor.

I jolted up and rushed out of the room. Everyone looked at me as i avoided everyone's looks and ran upstairs to me and Yelena's shared room.

It only took a few minuets for Wanda and Yelena both rushing upstairs behind me.

I heard a knock on my door, knowing exactly who it would be i let them come in. "i-i'm sorry i-i just couldn't" my voice on the edge of breaking. "it's okay " they both spoke over each other almost in sync.

Wanda gave me my medication along with a glass of water and Yelena rubbed my back gently as i calmed down. Knowing i wouldn't want to go back to the meeting Yelena asked "film?" i nodded and she carried me to the bed. "I'll you too alone and i'm going back to the meeting, okay?" i nodded still not trusting my voice.

Wanda explained to the others what had happened and explained that me and Yelena wouldn't come back but she would fill us in after. The accepted it and carried on with the meeting.

Me and Yelena watched a few films before i fell asleep in her arms and i slept peacefully. From then on before any meeting they would both make sure that i had medication and bought be a fidget toy just in case.

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