No longer better - W.M

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Things where bad again, well they never really got better but this was worse. But this time no one could save me; I was alone just how I liked it. But sometimes I wish someone would notice because I know for a fact I don't have the courage to tell someone myself. So my options here are to get even worse to show to people that I need help without using worse or to get so bad that I isolate myself again and possibly worse.

I don't want to die I know it must sound like that but I don't in all honesty I actually love my love, even the bad parts when its not swallowing me whole. For example I love going on long morning walks after a restless night striving off only coffee. I love the feeling off beating sleep again and repeating the cycle. It gives me a new type of serotonin that I've never experienced before.

But at the moment the bad is out weighing the good. Meaning when I try t focus on school my intrusive thoughts invade my mind like an army going into battle and with no sleep my body has no energy to fight against it so I let it submerge me over and over again till no air is In my lungs.

But honestly I don't want to die I swear no more lies I do want to live and see what my future holds. I want to make hot coco my the fireplace on Christmas with all my friends I want to have a family or a dog but its getting more difficult.

I have everyone at the compound convinced that I'm okay but Wanda Is catching onto my lies. I haven't been sleeping in fact I haven't slept in days and I haven't been eating well meaning I am constantly stumbling around from the dizziness.

I walked into the main room where everyone was watching a film and stumbled over my own two feet and hit my head on the floor.

"ouch shit"

Everyone got up and rushed to my side to check if I was okay.

Tony- "Friday check vitals"

Friday-"hydration levels high. No injury's however patient has not eaten in 3 days according to my scan and hasn't slept in 4 days."

Everyone looked at my shocked and worried but all my focus was on wanda she looked so sad and I knew it was my fault. I've really fucked up this time.

"come on honey let's get you some food, okay?" Yelena suggested as she helped me stand up. I wasn't hungry or tired but I knew I wasn't going to have a choice it was either willingly eat something or have a tube stuck in me and quite frankly I wasn't having a tube in me so eating it was. I was only going to eat a little anyway.

"do you want a sandwich or I can make a smoothie so u can drink it or something else?" Nat asked me as of us 4 girls entered the kitchen as the others stayed in the main room to give me some space. "sandwich please" I mumbled under my breathe.

Nat made me a sandwich but I only ate half of it but it was enough to satisfy them for now. "honey you need some sleep you look really tired."

I slowly trudged to the main room because we agreed to watch a film then I would sleep. We all split up around the different sofas but I styed with wanda. I felt safe with her.

They turned on (your favorite film) and about half way through I felt myself getting tired but I didn't want to leave wanda's side. I stayed there but subconsciously my head fell on her shoulder. She noticed and looked down at me smiling as I started to close my eyes.

"go to sleep hun it's okay" she whispered in my ear.

I curled up into a ball in her lap and buried my head into her head to protect myself from the light emitting off the tv.

I was out within a couple of minutes and the rest of the team noticed when they heard my light snores. Safe to say I couldn't sleep without wanda from that moment on. She is and always will be my comfort person.


so sorry for the lack of activity. My laptop broke again and i've been dealing with a lot of family issues meaning i am not currently living at home. I have also been dealing with a lot of mental health issues hence the kind of sad story. 

i will try to be more active but no promises for now please be patient with me:)

Make sure to look after yourselves and eat and sleep enough. Love you all have a good day/ night x

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