Comfort~ W.M

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/this is only short but better than nothing. Sorry for the long wait, things haven't been going my way. But i will try to update now and then but cannot gurantee that it will be consistent. I also want to say thank you for the support you continueto show. I hope you enjoy this. Not spell checked/

It had been a hard few days, that is a simple way of putting how your week had gone. it felt like everything you knew how to do was just going wrong. Things that were instilled into you from birth like sleep.

Every time you tried to close your eyes to finally let your body relax you couldnt get comfy. You couldnt let your body relax. Your defences were up and you couldnt bring them down. 

This was probally due to the fact that Wanda had been on a mission for the last week. You hadn't realised how dependent on her you actually were until she left to do her job. But here you were on the 5th night with having only 2 hours of sleep the past week. Your girlfriends best friend Nat was under stict instructions to watch over you until Wanda was back.

She was an assasin so she quicky picked up on your lack of sleep from the bags underneath your eyes and the way you dragged yourself into the common rooms.

The only problem was that you and her was definitetly not close enough for her to provide the level of comfort that was needed. The only person who had that power over you was Wanda.

Nat had been monitoring you throughout all times of day. She would sit outside your bedroom waiting until she could hear your soft snores to make sure you were okay. However, more often than not the only sounds she heard was frustrated shifting of you in bed.

Wanda was due home tomorrow and so far you have managed to gain 3 hours of sleep. Nat was becoming increalsingly worried about you and your physical state. 

She had planned to tell Wanda everything the second she got back to the compound. She deserved to know.

It was currently 1:37 am the following day, Wanda was due home very soon. All the Avengers were pilled into the living room watching some random sitcom. Thor was led across one sofa snoring loudly. Tony was making a snarky remark about something or over.

You were sat on a double sofa next to Nat. You were sharing a blanket with her and she was nervously awaiting your girlfriends arrival to tell her the bad news.

The main door turned and sparked her interest before yours. You was still midlessly watching the tv.

She swiftly got up to go greet her friend before you had a chance to.

"Wanda, hey great to see you i need to talk to you quickly. It's about Y/n"

"is everything okay, where is she"

"shes watching tv with the others. But she hasnt slept this week, i think its because you haven't been here. So whatever you do, plz help her sleep."

"oh okay ye i got this"

The two girls walked into the main room and Wanda was greeted by the Avengers, this perked your interest.

"Hey, baby" you greeted with sleepy eyes and slow movements.

She slowly walked over to you and placed you into her lap. You immediatly got as close to her as you could. Clinging to her shirt as if you couldn't let go.

She slowly started stroking your hair knowing from past experience that this helped calm you down. With her other hand she placed it under your lose fitting shirt knowing that skin to skin contact calmed you from your busy mind.

You let out a content sigh knowing that you was safe with Wanda. Everyone stayed focused on the show on the tv and a few minutes later soft snores escaped your lips and danced over her skin.

A smile left her lips knowing the effect that she had on you. She knew that you felt safe with her and she couldn't ask for anything more.

Lets just say you slept for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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