just a lil' fluff- y.b

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 I had a massive imagination I always have since I was a kid. A lot of people lose their imagination as they grow up but mine just grew bigger.

I liked to express myself through my imagination and creativity that's why me and Yelena's room is filled with my art work.

Not all of them where happy some even slightly disturbing but Yelena didn't mind as it helped her understand what was going through my mind without using words.

My favourite way to express myself was through my drawing and sometimes I wrote poetry but I like drawing more.

I was trying to teach Yelena how to draw in the main room when I started a massive team draw-off.

It ended in no winners and a lot of arguments but I have to admit it was fun.

Me and Yelena went back to our room and I went to my desk and started drawing, Yelena was doing some mission reports and would occasionally check if I was okay and how my art was turning out.

After I finished drawing I jumped into bed and started reading Lore.

I was about half way through the book and I loved it so far, I wasn't a fast reader so it took me a while to read a book but I thoroughly enjoy fantasy book with a lot of action.

I was still reading when Yelena had finished her mission report and joined me on the bed but she wasn't a massive fan of reading because she found it 'boring' but I'm just convinced that she hasn't found the perfect book yet.

She was scrolling through tiktok with her head in my lap as I continued to read my book.

Another hour had passed and Yelena was starting to get restless and was shuffling a lot. I moved my book so I could look at her and gave her a look to ask her what's wrong.

"I'm tired but I can't get to sleep" I gave her a pouting face as I mocked her. "can you read to me?" this wasn't new, whenever she couldn't sleep I would read to her or talk to her until she got tired enough to sleep. "sure hun" I smiled as I continued to read my book out loud this time.

Her eyes were closed but I could tell she was still awake so I started to play with her hair with my spare hand. She sighed letting me know that she was very content and fell asleep not long after.

I stayed where I was and continued to read my book but not out loud anymore everything was peaceful until Nat came in and jumped ontop of the sleeping Yelena.

"wake up dipshit" to say Yelena was not happy was a understatement. She already hated waking up which is why whenever I woke her up I showered her in little kisses so she couldn't get too mad. Her sister always used the violent method. It was affective of getting her up because she would chase Nat round the compound seeking her revenge but I was left to deal with a grumpy Yelena.

"what the fuck do you want" Yelena grumbled clearly not as amused as her sister who had a smug smile on her face at the fact that she had annoyed her sister. "dinner is ready so get your ass up and you both have to be downstairs within 5 minutes" with that she got up and left not giving Yelena enough time to snipe back at her.

She rolled over again just wanting to sleep and I put my book down and pulled her into my arms and held her tight.

At that moment I didn't want to let go but knew that the team was waiting for us. "come on grumpy pants" I whispered in her ear as I got up a bit more.

She slowly got up and I helped her put one of my jumpers on as she was still half asleep. I gave her a load of kissed on her face and neck to hopefully pull her back from her grumpy mood.

We went downstairs and ate with the rest of the team and I completely forgot it was movie night so we all went in to the main room and took our places.

Yelena was still a little grumpy but she cheered up a little when I played with her hair throughout the movie. After the first movie I was pretty tired and I could tell Yelena was as well. The rest of the team stayed and watched a second movie but me and Yelena went up to bed.

I practically fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and the same happened with Yelena. Even though when we fell asleep we where opposite sides of the bed when I woke up Yelena had found me in her sleep and had draped her arms around me In a protective and loving way.

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