Chapter 1

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Quick note!
It might not be the same as the series, like there are a few changes that I reeaaallly didn't like, so I didn't include some bits, like, all of the kids know about Krane and them being old super soldiers and stuff, this is at the start of Bionic Island. The time line might be a little messed up too xx

I did a stupid thing, I forgot that It was Sebastian instead of Spencer, so, If you see the word Spencer, can you pls tell me so I can edit it. Thank you


TW: There will be language, and violent scenes.

It was a normal day at the academy, Chase and Sebastian were arguing, Bob was flirting with Bree and Adam was watching Bob make a fool of himself. Leo was trying to step up to spin... As usual, when Mr. Davenport burst into the room.

"Guys! They struck again!" Mr. Davenport rushed into the room with a tablet in his hands.

"Ugh! Not again! I hate those guys... Who?" Adam approached the worried man along with Bree, Chase and Leo with Sebastian, Bob and spin behind.

"NO idiot! That group of thieves who break in those army and military bases!" Chase said while waving his arms around. Bree rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Mr. Davenport.

"Where did they go this time? And when? And how many were there? Have we got any security footage?" Bree was one of the most determined to find out who these guys are. It's been driving her crazy.

"1- A milaterry base off the coast of England 2- Yesterday at Midnight 3- we don't know 4- No, sadly we don't have anything on camera." Bree slumped in a chair and put her head in her hands, massaging her temples.

"We do have a tip from an anonymous personal for where and when they will strike next though!" Mr. Davenport held out his ipad infront of the 7 teenagers.

"Here-" He pointed at a small location as it zoomed in for street view.

"Theres a secret army base that holds all of their most dangerous weapons in this remote area. We still have no idea how these guys get around, so be careful. They are going at around midnight tonight. So gear up!" All 7 kids ran off down to their capsules. Once they got changed they joined Mr. Davenport in his plane, ready to take them to the base.

"You guys ready?!" Mr. Davenport shouted over the noise of the plane turbines, spinning at great speed.

"YEP!" They all shouted while clipping their seat belts on. Everyone held onto the small bars next to them readying to take off. The plane lifted off the ground and within a few minutes they had stopped over a small clearing in a forest.

"TIME?!" Chase shouted over the noise while looking at Bree, she lifted up her sleeve and looked at a small watch and gestured 10 fingers at Chase. He nodded while Mr. Davenport hid the plane in some trees, hidden from sight.

"Ok... The fugitives should be here soon, I will stay in here and monitor heat signatures while you hide in some bushes ready to jump in, if there are too many, I will give you the signal to abort mission. Is there any questions?" Bob raised his hand but Mr. Davenport completely ignored it and bid them luck as they all left the vehicle.


1 hour and a half had passed and there was no movement in sight, everyone had started to give up when there was a small rustle in a Bush on the other side of the clearing.
Chase put his finger to his lips as a sign to stay quiet, Spin snuck back into the plane and asked Mr. Davenport how many there were, in which his reply was...


Spin hurried back to the others and told them the number. They all sat there in silence for a moment. Due to the importance of this mission, they would have expected all of them to be there, this base is one of the most guarded facilities on the planet... Why would they only send one person?

Chace gestured with his hands to, descretly, follow the shadow inside. When they all snuck inside all of the guards were unconscious on the floor, there was one person standing infront on an open weapons crate, they were dressed in a black hoodie and some black combat trousers... Like the ones the Super soldiers were wearing before the Bionic kids rescued them.

"Doesn't those cloths look a little too familiar to you?" Leo asked Adam, Bree and Chace. Bree stood silent there, staring at the person while Chase slowly nodded In unison with Adam. Bob, Sebastian and Spin looked a little confused, but as soon as the shadowy figure turned around, Sebastians' eyes widend.

"Seb? Hey! You OK?" Bree tapped him on the shoulder, he slowly shook his head in response. Chase was also frozen in his space.

It was a girl...

(817 words)

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