Chapter 3

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Quick note!
Hey, so I know last chapter was cut A little short, but i felt like 1000 words might be a little too much for one chapter, so I'm going to post both 2&3 at the same time. I'm also going to start using POVs after this shorter chapter. X

"You mean like Spike?" The 3 Bionic siblings walked into the room.

"Whos Spike?" Y/n said, raising her eye brow a little to gesture her confusion.

"I gave Chase a fight or flight system too, if Bree and Adam for some reason can't fight, or Chase gets a little too angry, a violent, strong, deep-voiced manic comes out." Davenport said calmly while pointing at Chase with his full hand.

"Krane must have gotten the idea from you then. Because that explains mine perfectly... Mabye I should name it too..." Y/n trails off when Adam gets everyones attention again.

"Wait! So, Y/n is a girl Chase? Exept, you know... better?" Everyone had been talking for so long that they hadn't realised how bad of a state she was in.

"Hey... HEY! guys! Look-" Leo said rushing into the room and over to the new recrute who was collapsing on the floor.

"Oh my- Y/n... When was the last time you slept? Or eaten? Or drank some water for that matter?" Davenport questions while Chase picks her up again.

"I don't know... Ive never eaten properly, or slept and the only water I've encountered was when Krane was making me throw it at targets." They all started to run to the Student dorms and put Y/n on the medical table.

"How are you alive if you've never slept or eaten?!" Leo said worriedly while a glass dome raised above the girl.

"Krane fed us all by sticking tubes in our immune systems and feeding us through there while we were supposedly 'sleeping'" Sebastian said as he hurried into the room when he continued.

"(1st initial) always had it worse than us, the feeding process always took away half of our sleep time as our eyes were closed but our brains were still working. We got like 8 hours of sleep a week while Y/n got like 1 hour per week." All 4 kids looked up at Sebastian in astonishment.

"I'm surprised she's even alive, this said that she's been given half the food and sleep that a 16 year old would have in a life time!" Davenport exclaimed while staring at a screen above Y/n's head.

"She's been through alot... Lets let her sleep for a bit." Bree said while leading all the boys out of the room.

Y/n was left under the glass for a few days, completely unconscious, people came and went, visiting their older sister.

Can we please imagine all of the students are younger than 17 xx

Spin skipped training and went down to the student dorms.

"Hey Y/n, Im so sorry that you were still with Krane, you don't understand how much we all missed you, you're going to love it here, and since Chase has a auto system too he can help you! Please wake up..." Tears pricked at Spins eyes as he ran his hands through Y/n's hair, fiddling with the ends of it as he told the unconscious body about the world.

"Spin? Why aren't you in training? A-are you crying?" Leo said as he walked into the room.

"N-no!" The small boy said in a hostile tone as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Leo slowly walked over to Spin, he wrapped his arms around Spin and pulled him into an uncomfortable hug.

"She is going to be fine, Spin." Leo comforted him as the girl slowly sat up, eyes fluttering open. All 3 mentors came into the room as if on key.

"Spin, Leo! Why aren't you in training-" Chase trailed off as Y/n jumped off of the table, cracking her nuckles and neck as she walked over.

"How do you feel Y/n?" Bree asked, laying one hand on her shoulder.

"Alright actually! I feel great!" She responded with a smile plastered to her face.

"That's great to hear, it also means that you can start training here. We've been discussing who would train you and we decided for Chase to do it seeing as both of your bionics have some of the same features." Davenport said while marching into the room followed by the other students.

"I can help too because we both have blowy breath!" Adam cheered in a childish matter making Y/n chuckle which obviously caught her by surprise.

"I am looking forward to working with you Y/n!" Chase said with a small wink before leaving the room.

"You too Chase..." Y/n could feel her cheaks warming up as she re-played Chases wink in her mind.

"Good night everyone! Lights out now!" Davenport instructed as Leo, Bree, Adam and Y/n left the room. Bree slept on the chair while Y/n took her capsule.

(850 words)

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