Chapter 8

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"Ok (1st initial)! You only have water left, now what I want you to do is- H-hey, Its going to be alright, ok?" Chase comforted me but I couldn't help but feel... Scared.

"What if I can't do it? I've only had 1 day of training, and I'm still really bad at it!" I wisper yelled to Chase as Bree came over.

"Y/n, you are one of the most powerful people we've ever met, you've already proven that you are great with Fire, Air and combat, which is already a solid Green." Bree said trying to calm me down.

Me, Bree, Adam, Leo and Chase have become quite close over the past 2 days, especially me and Chase. Due to our Bionic symilaritys, we have so much in common. He is so smart, everyone sees it as a flaw, but I find it kinda cute when he's in his own world, talking about Mass and Particles. I barely understand any of it, but I still listen.

"Common guys! We haven't got all day here. We need to do this last test otherwise we won't have any time for the colour grading!" Mr. Davenport called, snapping me out of my thoughts. Chase gave me a calming smile and so did Bree.

I walked back to the middle of the room as Mr. Davenport started to explain my task. My eyes widened a little as the words fell out of his mouth.

"Your task is to stop a boat from sinking. But, there's a catch. You have to save the people on the boat from land. Use your water manipulation to bring it back to safety." I froze for a second until I turned around just quickly enough to see Chase go from biting his nails to giving me a huge fake grin with a double thumbs up.

"Mr. Davenport... With all due respect for Y/n, but, She's only had 1 day of training with water. In all honesty, she isnt very good with it at the moment." Chase said to Davenport, he turned around and gave me an apologetic smile as I gave him a 'That hurt' face.

"Well... We already have the boat set up..." Chase did that cute little thing he does when he leaps into a squat and flayles his arms around with an exaspirated look painted on his face. I was pushed outside and to the edge of the island when my eyes hit the already sinking boat, dread filled my head, (hehe that rhymed) My eyes widened again to the sight of Bob, Spin and Spencer tied to the sail of the boat.

"Those better be fake!" I shouted as rain started to hit my hair and nose. I turned around to see Davenport looking sheepishly at me. I could feel the hormones rising in me, it was a mix between anger and Scared, mainly anger. My fists tightened its grip, I could practically feel my puples shrink.

"Y/n! Help us!" I heard the screams of my brothers, my anger faded as I immediately brought all of my energy into my fists. The water underneath the boat started to rise a little, making a small, controlled wave bring the boat back to us. Suddenly the water gave way, plunging the boat into the water.

"Fuck it!" I said as I took off my jacket and emptyed my pockets. I dived into the water, grabbing 2 of my brothers, I blasted them up to the surface with a wave of energy as I swam deeper to see Spencer, unconscious on the ocean floor. I wrapped my arm around his waist as I swam us up to the top. I placed him on the island floor, his eyes were tightly closed as I patted his cheek.

"Wake up Spence, come on. Jeezus crust," I said, tucking a strand of wet hair behind my ear, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed down multiple times. Just when I thought all was lost, a spark came flying from Spencers neck. One of his arms flung up making a robotic sound. I looked up to See, who I thought were Bob and Spin, laying down on the ground, also sparking.

"Well then..." I said, slowly getting up. My eyes met (What I hoped was) the real Bob, Spin and Spencer.
"Oh my god." I wispered out along with a sigh as a wrapped the 3 in a tight hug. My eyes met Davenports, he looked... Serious.

"Well done Ms. Y/n. You have been graded an Orange." He said, starting to clap as he talked. Words cannot describe how mad I was at that man, but I didn't let it show, I playfully bowed my head and walked off with my 4 friends following.

"You hate his guts don't you?" Bree said as they all caught up to me.

"Oh-ho yeah, I will hold that to me forever." I chuckled out as a grin spread across my lips.

"I passed!" I squealed a little as we got back in the building. Bree made the same high pitched sound as me when Adam got our attention.

"EeEeEeEeKkKk!" He impersonated us. We rolled our eyes as I split up from the group and down to the Student dormatorys, there was a capsule with the Word, Y/n, plastered to a plaque bellow the glass door. I stepped inside it as my eyes began to close.

(911 words)

(I couldn't find one of Leo so here is our Daddy Chase 👏)

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(I couldn't find one of Leo so here is our Daddy Chase 👏)

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