Chapter 23

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3rd Person

Chase vs Sebastian.
Crush vs Brother.
Bionic vs Bionic.

You could cut the tension with a knife, it was a standoff to be precise. You could practically feel the rage and sorrow leaking from Chases' mind and she squinted at the ex-student. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do to Sebastian. But it was almost as if he was frozen in place, letting all of his emotions bubble from inside of him. Chase was about to lunge at Sebastian when he was interrupted.

"You should've escaped while you had the chance..." Sebastian chuckled in a steriotypical 'evil voice' There was a loud crash as white light flooded the room and Chase was knocked to the ground by a blast of energy, soon to be found completely alone in the abandoned movie theatre. Y/n was nowhere to be found, along with Sebastian. Struggling to stand, Chase, grabbed his smashed phone from next to him, praying that it still worked.

A relieved sigh escaped his lips as the screen lit up, he tapped in the combination and brought his shaky finger to the green app square with a  white telephone symbol painted in the middle. He scrolled until he saw the academys' emergency helpline. Chase flopped onto his back and grabbed his side in pain and waited for someone to pick up. He muttered under his breath "come on pick up pick up pick up..." He chanted as a small beep vibrated from the phone and a familiar voice came from it.

??? - "Hello? Bionic Academy helpline, how may I assist you?"

Chase - "H-Hello? Its Chase! Something happened at the Movies I need he-"

There were there significantly loud beeps as Chase brought the phone away from his ear and tapped the screen repeatedly. A flashing white and red battery symbol appeared just before the device turned off completely and the battery died. A long and exasperated groan left his lips and he turned on his side and looked at the partially dry blood stain from where she once was. A single tear escaped his eye and Chase began blaming himself.

"This is all my fault... how could I have brought her here, this would've never happened if I had just protected her like I should've done, as I promised myself I would." 

I am so sorry for not posting this chapter, I've had some really bad writers' block and couldn't think straight. I know this chapter's short, but like I said, writers' block. Stay tuned. Love you guys x

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