Chapter 28

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I'm crying rn- seriously?! 2000 reads? Jesus Christ... K. Bye thank you!

Y/ns POV

My eyes fazed out, it was all a blur, then it became clear. The terrified brown eyes of Chase Davenport, the last thing I saw it was the other way around.
Chase holding Krane at gun point, but now...

A gasp escaped my lips as I felt the anger bubble inside of me. The bastard, he used his tricky mind games. Why am I not surprised?
"C-chase? D-dad? What- Dad?!" I stuttered out as Chase's gaze flicked to me. A warm smile evident on his face. I missed that smile... That smile that made it seem as though the world stopped, that made my heart skip a beat.

"Welcome back Y/n, just in time to watch your beloved Chase die." My father boomed out as tears ran down my cheeks.

"It's ok." His tone made me relax into the rage, pain and suffering I was feeling at this point. The click of the trigger pulled back and it seemed as though nothing in the world mattered except him. Without a second thought a blast of energy shot from my palm and into the back of Krane. With no time left and him laying on the floor I continued to shoot at him until his body lay limp on the hard industrial floor.

I dropped to my knees as I watched the colour faded from Kranes face, eyes wide open in shock, blood strained as a drop of blood left his nose and ears.
"Rest well dad..." I whisper and let out a quiet sob. I felt the familiar strong arms wrap around me as I was lifted from the floor.

"You ok?" He asked with a chuckle and burried his head in my neck.
"Yeah." I smiled through the tears and hugged him, staring down at my lifeless father.

"Lets go home." He whispered in my ear. I felt my heart twang as the word home was said, his breath blowing against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I nodded my head and off we went.

3 years later

"Y/n, 3 years is a long time, with being together and all, so..." My hands shot to my face as Chase dropped to one knee, pulling out a ring and holding it up to me.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I've always known it. So, will you do me the honor of... Marrying me?"

I was breathless, our faces lit up by the candles, scattered around the balcony, the cold night air blowing mine and his hair. A tear slipped from my eye as I put out my hand, fingers spread.


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭

I am quite litterly blown away. This book did so much better than I thought it would. I am so greatful for all of you who have stuck by me while writing this book. It's finally over. I'm gonna miss writing this. But I'm glad it got the attention it deserves. Again, thank you all x

Also, can you guys please go read an ongoing book called letting Go by OwlAlistair

Thank you x

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