Chapter 10

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Chase's POV:
Me, Bree, Adam and Leo were talking to Mr. Davenport about our next classes in the main room. There was somthing off about Y/n earlier, she went to go see Douglas about it, but wouldn't tell me what was wrong, I dont know why but I'm worried, usually Y/n pays attention in my classes but she kept dazing off. Bree had just finished telling Mr. Davenport about her class going on runs in the main land when we heard a loud yelp and Douglas shouting for help.

"Douglas whats going on?!" Mr. Davenport said as we rushed into the student dormatorys to see Douglas kneeling beside Y/n, who was screaming in pain, ducked over while clutching her head.

Mr. Davenport grabbed the tranque gun and threw it to Douglas. He injected Y/n in the neck and she fell limp in his lap. (hehe another rhyme)

We lay her on the medical bed and tryed to figure out what was wrong.

"Chase will you stop pacing! It's destracting me!" Mr. Davenport and Douglas were standing by a screen, I couldn't tell what they were doing. But both of their eye brows were furrowed so deep concentration was included. Me Bree Adam and Leo were looking over Y/n, her face looked colourless, Pail even. So many things were rushing through my head.

*Is she dying?*
*What if she forgot everything*
*Should we call Kaz and Oliver?* Just as I was going to suggest Mighty Med, Douglas called over to us.

"I think I know what's wrong with Y/n..." and just as he said this there was a small groan from over at the table. Adam rushed over and pushed Y/n back down.

"What the-" Y/n said as I came over and flipped her onto her stomach.

"Y/n! You need to lie down." I was passed the chip extractor and removed her chip from her neck. Y/n got up and looked annoyed. Well obviously she would be annoyed we took her chip!

"Krane..." Mr. Davenport announced and i could fell my legs almost collapse underneath me.

"He must've tapped into Y/n's chip..."

"What?!" I had to hold Y/n down, she was being a little hysterical. Just before I turned my head away I noticed her looking at my upper arms... Weird.

"Chase! Let go of me!"

"No! You need to relax!" I felt bad, I know she's annoyed but I had to keep her from moving around. If Krane has downloaded a virus into Y/n's chip then the sudden removal of it can cause her blood sugars to decrease significantly, and it would just make it worse if she kept moving.

"Y/n, please stay still!" I pleaded, and she just... stopped. Y/n isn't a very open book, I couldn't tell if she was angery, happy, sad or just... Blank.

"What is going on?! Why has Krane TaPpEd InTo My ChIp?" Y/n questioned. I still have my hands on her shoulders. I dont know why, but she didn't say anything about it so neither did I.

"Hang ooon- aha!" Douglas waves a finger in the ear before beckoning me to come over. I take my hands away from Y/n and walk over to Douglas.

"We think Krane is trying to infiltrate the academy." Mr. Davenport said in a quiet voice as to not let Y/n hear.

"This isn't a virus, its a tracking device, look, it even has a small camera that connects to somthing in which we think is in Y/n's eye." I look over to see Y/n chatting with Leo and Bree. Poor Y/n never deserved any of this. Who knows how long Krane has been spying on us, it could've been days or months... Point is, we have to get that stuff out and quickly.

"To get the thing out of her eye and brain we have to put her to sleep." Douglas said as Davenport Continued.

"But, knowing Y/n, she won't let us that easily. Chase, she trusts you the most, we need you... To distract Y/n tonight and then inject her with this." they held up a small siringe filled with purple liquid. I shook my head aggressively.

"No- no! I won't betray her trust!"

"Fine! Then I guess we'll have to let Krane break into the school and steal all of our students including Y/n!" I hate it when Mr. Davenport uses reverse sycology on me, its my ONLY weakness... As well as dogs, and mayo...

"Fine! But if she hates me, I'm blaming you two." I snatched the siringe out of my Farthers hand and stomped over to my friends.

"Are we all cool? Can I have my chip back?" Y/n asked as I came over, She sat up and shuffled over to make room for me. I sat next to her and shook my head.

"You can go, but you won't get your chip back until tomorrow, sorry (1st initial)" She then frowned and placed her head on my shoulder. I froze up, why would she do that?

I awkwardly tapped her head, still stiff as a stick, she removed her head from my shoulder and got off of the table.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight guys? Bob snores soooo loud." Y/n chuckled a little at her statement. I've noticed that whenever Y/n laughs, she puts a hand, hovering over her mouth and her nose scrunches a little. It's adorable i must say.

We got back to the mentors room and Leo flopped onto the couch (we call it a sofa 😂)

"How's your head Y/n?" Bree asks as she sits next to Leo.

"Alright I guess, it still feels like the back of my head is throbbing and I can hear my heart beat too loudly for it to be normal, but other than that, OK? I'm just annoyed about my chip." Adam just nodded at what she said as I sat onto the chair that Y/n was sitting on arm.

"Hey guys, is it OK if I talk to Y/n alone for a bit?" I said, my siblings nodded their heads but Bree just had a massive smile on her face as she looked between us both.

"I ship them." I heard her wisper to Adam as they all left. I tryed to remove the blush from my cheeks as I spoke to Y/n.

"So Chase, what did you want to talk about?" She asked me and I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Are you sure you're OK?" I asked and she just raised an eye brow at me,

"Yes Chase, I told you, I'm fine." She placed one hand on my knee and stared deep into my eyes. It looked like she was searching for something. But what? I leaned in a little and she copied my actions. Our faces were inches apart and my breath hitched. Y/ns hand was now going up to my shoulder as I placed one of mine on her cheek. Our lips met and it felt like fire works blasted from inside of me. Her hands moved up to my hair and I put mine on her hips.

Just when the kiss was getting intense I remembered the siringe, I reached into my back pocket and injected her in the side. Y/n fell limp into my arms as I wispered.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but it's for your own good."

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now