Chapter 25

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Chases POV

"This better work..." I growl under my breath as I change into my suit and ignore the warnings of my friends.

"Chase please! Remember what happened when we charged in without a plan?" Kaz said with a worried tone as I grabbed my duffle bag and reloaded with ammunition, I scowled at them as Bree ran to get her suit. I sighed as she came back and grabbed my hand.

"I understand youre mad-"

"Mad?! He killed Y/n! I swore on her grave that I'd avenge her death. And I will do that! Alone." I tug my hand away and run off upstairs, leaving my team high and dry. No regrets. He will pay for what he's done, so will Sebastian. They will all pay.


As I arrived at the pin pointed location, something clicked. This was the army base where we found Y/n... Why would he come back here? Memories of her dead body flashed through my mind and I took a shaky breath before squat waddling through the steal door that had been blown off of it's rusty hinges.

And there I was, in the exact same place as I was 4 years ago. Kneeling by an old krate that had grown moss in the corners, the place had been worn down a bit. Seeing as it was an old army base for their weapons, I would've thought that they moved everything out and knocked the place down. But I guess I stand corrected.

After scanning the area for life and getting nothing, I stood up and wandered into the middle of the room. It was only when I looked up when I realized what had happened. My eyes widened as looked down at my foot that was stepping on a small square that triggered the cage that had fallen from the ceiling.

Great... Juuust great.

I put my hands on the metal bars only to be shocked. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as smoke rose from my leather gloves, of which now had holes on the palms. I grabbed my wrist and groaned at the feeling.

"Ouch. That's gotta hurt." Came a deep voice. I know that accent from anywhere. My heart began racing as I slowly lifted my head to be met with the very same, Krane. The man that killed the love of my life. That very same man that ruined my life.

"I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and he bowed his head with an unamused chuckle.

"How would you do that from behind bars? And, trust me, I would love to see you try. But there's someone else that wants first serve."

I raised my eye brow as he stepped out the way and all I saw was a shadow. From what I could see, there were two tree trunks holding up a person, obviously female. The figure didnt really say masculine, but then again, I don't know their pronouns.

[I did say I was tryna make them a little Gen Z, the original would've never considered pronouns.]

Their body seemed to be floating, as if resting on the tree trunks. There was a green glow, two dots and some lines, the person was too far away for me to see, that was until they came into vision, and I fell back in astonishment. It couldn't be her. I tried to accept that she was gone, and wouldn't come back. But she was standing right in front of me.

"Hello Chase." She said blankly as her hair colour dyed down to reveal a paper white streak. But her eyes stayed the same glowing green. She had found a new element, I always knew that Earth was an element, but I didn't think she had it. She was wearing her same old combat costume and mask. The only things different was the scar that crossed her face and white streak that faded into her braid.

Y/n...she was here... She was Alive!

I felt tears well in my eyes as I stood up and grabbed the bars to see her close. I didn't care about the pain, I could smell my burning flesh and I could feel the blood dripping down to my foot. But again, I didn't care. I was looking at her, I could see her. For the first time in 2 years... I felt complete, she was almost home.




I love you all so so so so much and wish you the best, I am so greatful for this. It's nearly at an end unfortunately. I am writing a new book called "the new girl" it's a Kaz x fem reader, it's set in the Elite Force period. I will let that out a few weeks after this finishes.

Again, I love you guys x
Good night, good morning, good afternoon x

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now