Chapter 24

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Chases POV

I couldn't think straight. Not at all. I haven't been able to in months, everyone seemed to take Y/ns death well, as if it was normal, I didn't realize just how much I loved her though, as some say... You don't realize how much you need them until they're gone. I'd usually jump straight into work and teaching, but I've found it especially difficult to even get the motivation to get up in the morning. Half the time Adam has to drag me out himself.

I can tell everyone's concerned for me, even when I keep telling them in fine, because I have to be fine, right? Im the leader of the group, for everyone to be in line I have to be in line, I have to be perfect for them to be perfect. Mr. Davenport has been exceptionally worried, I can tell by the fact that he never let's me do anything. He urges me to take a  break from teaching and crime fighting to work on myself when I don't need to.

"Chase why don't I take your class today?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the calming voice of my older sister. I know she means well, but I'm getting sick of being treated like I'm Uncapeble of work. I slapped her hand off on my shoulder and put my hand against my cheek to feel the growing stubble. I sighed and looked into her eyes with a blank expression.

"Fine. I have to shave anyway." I took a quick look at all of the staring faces and walked off to the bathroom to shave.

Time skip 2 years
At the Elite force apartment

"KAZ!" I shout up the stairs, stained shirt in hand. It's been about 2 years since the death of... Her. I try not to think or talk about her as much as I can, but that tends to be difficult when you carry a picture of her around with you 24/7 and have three very nosey room mates. Me and Bree have left the school as all of the students have finished their training. Mr. Davenport decided to form a group, a combination of super heroes and bionic hero's. Me and Bree being the bionics and Kaz, Oliver and Skylar.

There was a loud stomping followed by one Kaz falling down the stairs and looking sheepishly up at me.
"What's this?" I snapped and chucked the stained pink T-shirt onto his face followed by the classic bright red sock. A chuckle fell from his mouth as he cussed under his breath.

"Well?!" At this point I was just sounding like my dear old dad. He stood up abruptly as straightened out his flannel, and fixed his hair.
"I'm human ok? I make mistakes!" I rolled my eyes as the girls came into the room and I prepared myself for 'the hug'. Everyday since Y/n passed, Bree has made it her mission to hug me every time she sees me. And as I counted down from 3 in my mind... We have made impact!

Bree dove into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck, I sighed and looked at the now approaching Oliver. He chuckled and waited for her to release her grip on me.

"How ya doing little bro?" She said with a cheery tone and let go, I nodded my head and smiled at her, before turning to Oliver who was tapping his foot impatiently.
"Ok, you guys done? Yeah you are. Ok, so! Here's the deal... It's Krane." As soon as I heard his name I gritted my teeth and squeezed the hand that belonged to my sister.

Kaz, Oliver, Skylar and Bree exchanged looks before I stormed off to HQ. I had a plan. One I had been devising for years. One I had hoped to use in this lifetime. People say revenge is sweet, I'm about to prove them right.

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now