731 11 7

Ok, Oh my God. 130 reads... It may not seem like a lot to you, but it is for me. I'm a young writer, and my family doesn't think that I would make it as a writer, and you guys just reading my story's, It just- it means so so so so much to me. It actually gives me hope. So, I just wanted to thank all of you for reading my book. Even if you didn't vote on the chapters. (Thank you to the 1 person who always does though) Due to the recent... Misshaps in the world, my selfisteem got really low, and I was about to give up on myself. But seeing that no one I know personally knows I write these, means that you all are complete strangers, and that my books are actually Ok to some people. I love you all xx

Chapter 14 on next page.

Ok! I was gonna post this tomorrow, but I wanted to wait, I wrote that bit ^ like 1 hour ago, and 20 more people have read this and I'm freaking outtttt!

(So I published this A/n a while ago, and now it's over 200... 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。)

(I can't with you guys right now... I posted this A/n like a few weeks ago or smth, and it's already at nearly 400 reads...)

(Pissing myself cos it's nearly at 5k now...)

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now