Chapter 27

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Y/ns POV

The last thing I remember was a loud bang followed by a quick and horrific pain that felt as though piercing through my brain. My body being brought to the floor as my vision blurred and the picture of Chases face, frozen with horror, he had shot me... It all went black after a few seconds, and the pain stopped. I finally felt free. That all went down the drain as my eyes re-opened to find myself strapped to a metal medical table, 5 masked adults in scrubs towering over me. A loud and annoying beeping sound in my ear as a sharp pain was brought to my neck. The next thing I know, I'm waking up, strapped to a chair and my mouth duck tapped shut.

How could they do this? They took me in... I trusted them! And now they have me tied up, gun held high. I couldn't see who was aiming at me, but I could guess, as a screen was lowered in front of me, and I see my father in the middle of a room, on the verge of tears. I should have just gone back to Krane, he's the only one that loves me. Where as, Bree, Adam, Chase and Leo? They betrayed me. They all did. And now, they're trying to kill my father, by using me as bate.

A muffled scream left my mouth as a beep echoed down the halls and Krane ran down a corridor. If I was right, and I always am, this was a maze, Krane was in the middle, and he had to find me, or they kill me. But they will kill him too. I have to get out of here.

Chases POV

I was running, running like the world was ending, like everything I ever loved was on the line. And it was. I kept thinking that something was off though, Y/ns eyes were glowing, as if the Tryton app was still in progress. That's when it clicked. This was a trap. It's all fake, there's no maze, I'm going in a straight line. They want me to find her, they want me to help her escape, she doesn't even know it's me.

Just as I was about to turn back and run in the opposite direction, an industrial door slammed down from the ceiling, blocking my path. Another fell a few miles ahead of me as the familiar face of Sebastian came into view.

"Long time no see Chase... How's Bree?"

I gritted my teeth, how dare he speak her name, how dare he show his face in front of me after betraying me, after betraying us all.

Before I could speak a familiar red Lazer blade grew from his hand and a blue from mine, he charged at me and leaped into the air, slashing the Lazer down on me. I brought mine over my head and pushed it away from me and kept forward and the fight commented.

The walls flickered as what seemed like thousands of screens showed Y/n, screaming for help, the gun buried in her temple, her legs and arms held down, her hair was flopping down over her face and eyes flickering red and green... Wait- red?

I averted my eyes from the screens as Sebastian got up from the floor of where I had slashed him down.
"Tired yet Chase?" He mocked with a smirk and I furrowed my eye brows.

"Fuck you Sebastian." I growled with a whisper. Just as I charged towards him, I fell, through what seemed as though a hole in the ground, going down forever.

*This was it, I can't save her, how can I save anyone if I can't save myself* I thought as my eyes slowly closed as my back met the floor and all the oxygen left my body, I thought it was all over, well, that was until my eyes opened and a blinding light made me gasp for air.

I stood up, gradually, and let my eyes adjust to the light. A low chuckle filled the room as my vision settled and Krane cocked the gun ready to shoot Y/n.

"NO! P-please, just... Let her go, take me. T-take me..." I stuttered, taking small steps towards the two.
"All I want is to be powerful, I don't want you. I want your chip. Superior intelligence is the only thing I need, sure I could go and get one of my children, but what's the fun in that? Now... Y/n here, she was supposed to stay by my side, my number two, my backbone, she was going to be the 2nd most powerful bionic in the world. But, something has come up... I can't take or add to Y/ns chip. You want to know why? You. Somehow, her love for you, has protected her chip from harm or tampering. The only way to get Y/n back... Is by getting rid of you."

As he finished his speech, I was brought at gun point and Y/n was free'd.
"C-chase? D-dad? What- Dad?!" A voice from behind Krane spoke, I looked over into the beautiful y/e/c eyes of Y/n... My Y/n.
"Welcome back Y/n, just in time to watch your beloved Chase die." He boomed and I took one last look at the now crying Y/n.

"It's ok." I said in a calming tone as my eyes shut and I heard the click of the gun, a shakey sigh left my mouth and I readied myself for death.

Goodbye world.

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