Chapter 2

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All of the teenagers were frozen in place as they tryed to figure out how Krane was still alive.

"Are we 100% sure that she's a super soldier?" Spin broke the silence, not removing his sight from the uniformed girl.

"Yes... Well, no." Chase was, for once, clueless on what to do.

"How the hell is Krane still alive though?! I thought you guys blasted him with that weird thingy you did?" Leo asked a little too loudly.

The soldier's head slowly turned around to face the teenagers, there was a black mask eliminating her face with pink light, you could just about see her eyes, they were glowing green... From-

"The tryton app..." Sebastian muttered, unable to comprehend this situation. The girl started to charge towards them as somthing formed in her hands... Fire?

Suddenly Kranes voice boomed through speakers,

"Go on A1 finish those Bionic fools!" Just then multiple Fire balls were thrown at their heads, Chase made a big force-field to stop the attacks while Bree discussed the plan of action with the others.

"OK! Me and Adam will distract A1 while Chase disables the tryton app, You, Bob and Spin will get Mr. Davenport at tell him that we have a new recruit and help him set up, Seb and Leo, I need you to find out where Krane is!"

They all split up as Bree zoomed at A1 and got her in a headlock, but she broke free and threw Bree at a stack of crates. Adam shot his lazers at her but she dodged them, ran behind him and blew on Adam from behind, creating some sort of wind gush. While the two siblings fraught the Soldier, Chase had managed so tap into her Bionic chip and shut it off, including the app.

A1 fainted at Chases feet and Adam picked her up and met the others back in the plane. Sebastian and Leo had no luck in finding Krane as they don't think he was even at the base. Davenport was told about the new comer and left the plane on auto pilot while he went back to the island with Bob and Spin.

A1 was placed on the floor at the kids feet.
"Her bionics..." Sebastian started but was cut off by Bree,

"Their nothing like we've ever seen." Bree continued.

"It looked a little like the elements, you know... Fire, water, air..." Chase kept his eyes on the girl. There was a long silence as the Plane landed. Chase picked A1 up and brought her inside with the others following. All the students eyes fell on the group as they brought her to the training room. She slowly woke up to the sight of Davenport, Bree, Chase and Adam standing over her.

"Where am I?! Who are you?! Y-your working with him aren't you? I will not let Krane get me again!" She struggled back and ran towards the closed, metal doors.

"LET ME OUT! HEY!" she screamed while banging on the doors, Chase slowly walked up to her, she staggered back with every step he took.

"My name is Chase." Is all he said, the girl was still on high alert, so he continued.

"This is my family, that's Adam, Bree and my Farther. We do not, work for Krane. Your brothers and sisters are behind this door, completely safe." She started to settle down when tears pricked at her eyes.

"H-how long?" She collapsed on the floor shaking in fear, Bree gave Mr. Davenport a sad smile and went to sit in front of her.

"Do you know your name?" The girl looked up from her shaking hands and into Brees eyes.


"Do you know how old you are Y/n?" Adam said sitting down next to Bree.

"Um... If I'm calculating this correctly, mabye 16 or 17?" Chase joined his siblings on the floor and softly smiled at Y/n.

"You are completely safe her sweety" Mr. Davenport said in a soft tone, Stroking her shoulder. The doors opened letting the students gather in the room.

"H-hello sister..." Spin said calmly stepping infront of the others.

"Hey Kid..." Y/n said while walking towards Spin, he dove at her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What is this? Is it a form of combat?" Y/n said confusion spread across her face.

"You've never heard of a hug before?" Bree said walking towards them.

"A1 was kept in a different place from the rest of us, she was the first one, taught us all everything we know and was the most powerful out of all of us. She was also the only one to ever ascape." Sebastian said looking at Y/n.

"Its good to see you (1st initial of name)." Sebastian said while going in for a hug.

"I'm still confused on this whole hug thing..." Everyone chuckled a little before Davenport decided he wanted to talk to Y/n for a while.

"Hey Mr. Davenport, thanks for helping me." He gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Yeeaah... Well, I am brilliant, So... -I just need to ask you a few questions, is that OK?" Y/n nodded her head as a sign for him to continue.

"How old were you when Krane caught you again?"

"10... I think"

"Mhmmm, how much do you remember?"

"Well, I was stolen from my birth family by Krane, and trained to be a super soldier, when I was 9 I some how broke free of the app and hid away, but Krane found me again when I was 10, 6 years past and here we are."

"OK? And, do you know how to use your bionics and more importantly, what they are?"

"This is where it gets complicated... My bionics are elemental, like water, wind/rain and Fire... Well I'm good with Fire and wind, but water... Not so much, there's also 1 more thing... Krane added a fight or flight system in my chip, except its without the flight part." 

(1007 words)

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