Chapter 19

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Chases POV

I was over thinking again, I had decided to tell Y/n about how I feel. Due to me being her teacher, this might be a little weird. I don't want anything to go wrong with our friendship. Y/n is one of the best friends I've ever had, she's kind, generous, funny, modest, cough cough Lazy and determined. She could also be one of the most loyal people you would ever meet. Let alone pretty... I've never been one to Simp, Adam won't leave me alone about it.

As of right now, I'm pacing around Bree, Adam, Leo and mines room. I swear to God my finger nails have never been so short, I was chewing through them all. I've litterly never been so nervous. What the hell is wrong with me?! I sat down on the couch and start bouncing my leg, I learned back and began biting my nails again. Fake senareos kept flooding into my mind.

"I like you Y/n"

"I don't like you Chase, I never have, and never will."

"I like you Y/n"


"I like you Y/n"

"How could I ever like YOU of all people?"

I shook the thought from my mind as I heard the faint sound of my name being called, I looked up to see Y/n pulling my hand away from my mouth and had rubbing my knee to settle the hysterics. Her eyes looked into mine and my bionic hearing glitched. That hasn't happened in 4 years... I could hear her heart beat, It was calming.

Bum bum
Bum bum
Bum bum
Bum bum

I rubbed my ear and let out a Shaky sigh, I cleared my throat and she sat down next to me, her eye brows still furrowed, her eyes still fixed on mine. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I turned my head quickly.

"I like you Y/n..." I blurted out and winced at the sudden change of temperature in my cheeks. I hid my face and refused to make contact, weather it be physical or not. I would not embarrass myself any more than I already have. I built up all the courage I had in me, and turned my head slightly. Y/n was bright red.

She kept stuttering over her words, trying to comprehend the situation. Guilt and regret swormed inside me as my heart rate picked up. My leg began to bounce again as her mouth opened again.
What is this girl doing to me?
y/n sighed and looked up at me, she still had a faint blush spread across her cheeks and nose. I was about to give her the 'you don't have to like me back' speech when full sentences fell from her lips.

"I do too..." Before I even heard her statement I started babbling.

"I know you probably don't like me back, and I'm your teacher so it's a little weird, and you've only been fully contious for like half the time we've know each other. We found you almost 7 months ago, so I understand if you dont- wait, what?" A grin formed on her face and I copied her actions.

"You do?" I asked, trying to keep my excitement inside me, only resulting in my voice being high pitched and a little annoying. She nodded her head with a 'mhm' her pitch matched mine, she curled her lips in and her eyes squinted. Just when she inched closer to my face I remembered what I did. How could I do that...

"I- I'm sorry Y/n..." I say and back away a little, her smile dropped and she sat back awkwardly. Andddd uncomfortable.
"TAYLOR SWIFT IS MY QUEEN!" I heard Adam shout from the other room, I chuckled to myself and Y/n raised an eye brow at me, I grabbed her wrist (lightly) and walked out to the main room where we were greeted by Adam and Sebastian fighting and Bree practically eating popcorn watching it all unfold. My eyes met hers and she walked up to us.

"Hey guys!" My sister said cheerfully as if the fight was never there, she skipped up to us and I could tell that we both had massive blushes on. Without thinking I spoke, and Y/n just so happened to do the same.
"Hey Bree!" We said in unison. A smirk grew onto her face and I could tell she was up to something.
"Do you wanna do something tonight?" Yep, definitely up to something.

After a quick arrangement and a long explanation of the movie theater to Y/n, plans were made and we are going to watch a horror movie tomorrow night in the main land... I didn't want to watch a horror movie, but, tickets are bought, what clould I do? Nothing.

Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting, I'm going through some shit right now, my mental health isn't at it's best and I'm trying to improve. I love writing, don't get me wrong, I just might take a little longer to post. I AM NOT QUITING! Thought I might just put that out there. Ok, stay safe luvs. Xx

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