Halloween Part 1

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(I have purposely made this A little different from the episode!)
Episode: curse of the screaming skull
Y/n's POV:
Me, Adam, Bree and Chase were looking at a sad little box filled with Halloween decorations when Leo entered the room.

"Hey Leo, where you been?" Chase asked the boy as he entered the room.

"I just finished a 24 hour horror movie marathon! I was so scared I chewed through all my finger nails, But, on the bright side! I had a big bowl of popcorn, so they were delightfully tasty!" I gave Leo a disgusted look before turning back to Bree.

"Guys, how is our first Halloween at the academy gonna be spooky when all we have is this pathetic little box of Halloween decorations?" She reached into the box and pulled out a bowl filled with orange, sloppy stuff.

"And, Uhh, what is this discusting slime in the trick or treat bowl?!" Adam grabbed the liquid from Bree,

"Oh- that's not slime, that's last years pumpkin! You know I'm surprised it didn't keep-" He then continued to stick his nose in the bowl to take a sniff, Adam immediately gagged and Chase placed it on the table.

Just then Bob came into the room.

"Bob? What are you doing here?" Chase asked and ai continued,

"All the other students are with Mr. Davenport on a field trip to the Davenport birth place and Musium!"

"Gosh darnit! I cant believe I'm missing that..."

"Really Bob?" Bree asked raising an eye brow at him.

"Oh come on! Part of the tour is of him reinacting his birth!" He said back to us, I could almost tell this was the beginning of an Adam Davenport Speech.

"This kid might be smarter than we thought!" mabey not...

"OhOh smoothy!" Bob said as he grabbed the bowl of last years pumpkin and left with it.

"Mabye not..." Adam then followed his small friend through the door leaving me, Chase, Bree and Leo together. Just then Perry walked into the room with what looked like a metal detector.

"Later Machene people! I'm taking the metal detector to the beach to look for other people's money!" I rolled my eyes at her comment, I never liked Perry, I dont think anyone did.

"So what? Your done going through our wallets?" Leo said and I chuckled a little under my breath.

"Yup! How do you think I payed for this thing?" She held up the metal detector, Douglas then entered the room,

"If you need me, I'll be on that Island across the waves." Perry pointed out West, Douglas looked back and immediately interjected.

"What island? The deserted one?" Worry evedent in his voice.

"Yeah, care to join me?" The red haired lady started to walk towards the man with eyes widened.

"There's room for 2 in my inflatable kayak!" She exclaimed,

"Hey I've always wondered about that Island, Ohh mabye there are waterfalls!" Bree said stepping in

"And caves!" I said, adding onto Bree, I rapped 1 arm around her shoulder.

"Mabye we could find cool new species of insects!" I love Chase, I really do, but sometimes he really knows how to kill the fun in a new Island.

"And then we can introduce them to an uncool species of Human!" Brees sarcy comment made me laugh a little untill my eyes met Chases and I immediately stopped.

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