Chapter 17

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Quick Recap

That's my bestie." Y/n whispered and I looked down to see her slightly awake.

"Go back to sleep Y/n." I said and kissed thae top of her head. I pryed myself away from her grip and closed the capsule door. I didn't look back up at Y/n, I just sauntered over to the chair and fell down into it. I rested my head back and fell asleep almost immediately.

Just a quick shout out to Potterheadstan
Go read her book- pls don't be fooled by the amount of reads, it's really good. Trust me.

Y/n's POV

My eyes widened as he turned and walked over to the chair. I froze up, I felt my cheeks warm and a grin form on my lips. He just kissed me... Chase just fucking kissed me.
I had to stop myself from squealing when I looked over to see Bree staring at me through the glass. I stuck my tongue out at her and closed my eyes. I heard muffled giggles from, who I guessed was Bree, but there was another voice- I opened my eyes to see Bree and Adam, both looking at me with sheepish grins. I rolled my eyes and turned the other way. But I couldn't help but smile.


I woke up with a jolt and looked around, I saw Brees head leaning on the glass and Adam practically falling over. Chase was snoring with his hair flopping down on his face, and Leo had fallen off of the sofa. I chuckled to myself and looked down at my watch.

2:30 am


I tapped the button above my head and the glass door dropped into the floor. I took a deep sigh and slowly walked out of the door and into the main room. My eyes were half closed as I trudged to the training room. Water formed above my head as I made a fist. I let my grip go as the water dropped over my head and I was coated with cold water.

"WOO!" I said a loudly as my eyes shot open. I shaked my head from side to side as droplets of water fell from the tips of my hair. I took a long sigh as Cold air was blown at my face making my hair blow back and my mouth to fall open, with my lips rippling at the sudden momentum. I chuckled at myself as I grabbed some sporting clothes. I ran into the changing rooms and got dressed.


(Any hair style, it's fine

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(Any hair style, it's fine.)


When I jogged out, I picked up some red boxing gloves and strapped one to my left hand, I then closed the other with my teeth. I took a breath as I stepped into my position. I took a swing at the red punching bag that hung precariously from the ceiling. One after the other, over and over again, I punched the sand filled bag until it fell, hitting the floor with a loud bang. I jumped back and scratched my neck as I picked it up.

"What the hell are you doing Y/n?"

Adams POV

I opened my eyes after hearing a door close in the distance. I rubbed my eyes and let the glass slide into the floor. I groaned as I looked at the clock. Stepping out, I shouted.

"WAKE UP!" I giggled to myself as all my siblings shot up with wide eyes, Leo then starting waving his fists and making a low growling sound.

"WHAT THE HELL ADAM?!" Chase screached and slapped my arm. I giggled again and then looked over to Y/n's temporary capsule to see her gone. My smile faded as I walked over to it.

"Wheres Y/n?" I asked and Chases smile seemed to drop as well.
"She has trouble sleeping... Maybe she went for a walk?" Bree said in a croaky voice. She sounded like Y/n hehe.

"Can we go look for her?" I know Chase likes her... But he seems to have a problem with worrying. It's kinda cute though, He never stops talking about Y/n either.
"Fine-" Leo finally said and trudged out of the room as we all followed.

We walked into the main room and quietly called Y/ns name until we heard punching sounds and Y/ns voice making fighting noises, we quickly exchanged looks and then ran towards the noise, we poked our heads around the corner to be greeted by a very sweaty and tired Y/n. She was punching the shit out of a boxing bag. Suddenly she hit too hard and it slammed on the floor making us all wince, I noticed Y/n do the same as she picked it up.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing?" Chase asked with a slightly authoritive tone, her head swung around as she became face to face with him. Bree, Leo and I then stepped out with sheepish looks while I scratched the back of my neck. She stuttered slightly over her words and kicked the punching bag behind her with one foot. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bree and Leo snickering at the scene in front of us. I must admit, it's pretty funny.

"Why are you up?" Chase was getting very close to her now... Very close. I could see Y/n's cheeks go bright red as Chase placed one hand on her upper arm. He's such a simp he can't keep his paws off her.

"Couldn't sleep, I thought it would be best to train for a bit to tire myself out." She shrugged and turned away. She bent down (with her ass sticking up in Chases face might I add) and picked up the punching bag. Chase walked over to the side and let out a slightly sus groan.

-- just for the record, I thought it might be funny to make them Gen Z --

He put his hands on his face and tilted it back, again- sus. He sighed and bent down.
"Y/nnnn you made a hole!" He groaned and took the bag from her, Y/n stuck her tounge out at him as he sat down on the platform with the sand bag between his legs. Chase rested his head on the top of it as Y/n walked over and say down next to him. She nudged his arm and gave him a smile.

"Mr. Davenport is going to blame us for it..." He whined and I rolled my eyes, the only thing that this guy cares about is his ego,
"We can fix it tomorrow." Y/n said in a calm tone and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess youre-" I paused and looked over to see Y/n asleep, I chuckled as he picked her up and walked back.

Those two are made for each other...

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