Chapter 14

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Brees' POV
I couldn't breath, the man was holding Y/n by the wrist and I felt like I couldn't move. I was frozen in my space. We shouldn't have brought her here. This is all my fault.

I looked over at Chase, his fists were clenched and his chest was heaving. I small growl escaped his mouth as he grabbed the man and threw him off of Y/n.

Oh no... Spike

Adam got up and ran over to Spike and tried to pull him off of the man but failed and ended up getting a black eye. Me and Leo looked at each other and then ran over to Y/n. She looked terrified, she winced a little as tears rolled down her cheeks. I looked down at her hand and saw it was shaking.

"Whenever Y/n gets stressed or scared or angry, her hand starts to shake showing signs of destress."

I remembered what Sebastian said... We decided to call Y/n's commando system 'Max' like we named Chases system 'Spike'.

I looked up at Y/n's face to see that her brows were furrowed and her chest was heaving. Fuck...
She growled as she walked over to Spike. He looked up at Max and let go of the man. Max picked him up and shoved him against a tree.

"Handle a woman like that again and I swear to god, I will rip out your spine and play it like a xylophone!" She boomed and the man whimpered. She kneed him in the balls and looked at Spike who had a massive grin on his face.

When I said I shipped these two, I didn't mean Spike and Max... Spike grabbed her waist and pulled her in so that their faces were inches apart. I was about to but in when Spike, or should I say Chase, shook his head in confusion.

"What happened?" He asked and let go of Max to rub his head. He looked over at us and I pointed at the angery Y/n. She furrowed her brow again as Chase took her hand in his.

"Look at me- hey, hey, I need you to look at me Ok?" Chase said in a calming tone.

"Back off or I'll rip out your organs and used them as pillows!" Her voice was so gravely I had to force myself not to laugh.

"Something funny princess?!" She asked as she approached me. My heart beat quickened as she raised a fist to my face. I held my breath and closed my eyes readying for the hit. But, nothing happened.

"Bree? W-what happened? Why was I about to punch you?" I felt relief flood through me as I heard the normal, sweet, voice of Y/n... I let out a sigh and hugged Y/n.

"Let's just go home." Leo said as we set off for the hydroloop. I put my arm around Y/n's shoulder as we walked up to the doors... But something was wrong. There was a huge dent in the doors and sparks were flying out of loose wires that were connected to the hydroloop.

"What the hell?" Chase said as he went up to the wires. What happened here?

Y/n's POV
We had just walked up to our transportation to see that someone had tampered with it. There was a huge dent in the metal doors and someone had cut the wires making the hydroloop work. I ran my finger around the mark in the doors. There was a small crack, so I decided to pull them open. As I did so, a small explosion came from inside. All of my friends ran over to see what had happened, we all looked up to see smoke coming out of the room. Once it cleared we stepped inside to see all of the screens cracked, the seats torn apart and a note spray painted onto the wall.


"Krane..." I whispered and stumbled back into Chases arms. He pulled me up and into a tight hug.

"He's not going to get you, he won't touch you, I wont let him get anywhere near you." He whispered in my ear as a tear rolled down my cheek. I burried my face in the crevice of his neck and cried.

When will he leave me alone?

"Common, we have to call Mr. Davenport." Leo said as he tapped my shoulder. I let go of Chase and whiped my nose with my sleeve, just when we stepped back out of the hydroloop I realized it was raining.

"U-um... Here-" Chase said to me as he removed his jumper and handed it to me.

"You can have it, I'll be fine." I couldn't find the heart to tell him that I can't get sick from the rain because of my bionics, so I took the jumper from his grasp and pulled it over my head, I rolled the sleeves down so that I was grabbing the ends of it. Chase pulled up the hood and rubbed my arms from behind, I could smell his aftershave and colone making the butterflys come back into my stomach.

Adam called Mr. Davenport multiple times but there was no awner. The rain had cleared up and I was about to take off the jumper when Chase stopped me.

"Keep it." He said in a sweet tone and I could feel my cheeks warm.

"Maybe we should try Douglas?" Bree suggested and Chase whipped out his phone and dialed his number.

"It's his voice mail." Chase dead panned and put his phone back in his pocket.
"There must be another way to get back to the island." Leo said and I nodded my head, we walked over to the docks and faces the island, I sat on the edge of the wood and my feet just about touched the water. I looked up to see Chase staring at the water with wide eyes. I looked down and did the same.

"Well then... I think we just found our way home."

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