Chapter 11

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(I would just like to quickly thank the 1 person that has been voting and reading all of my stories. Ly x)

For legal reasons I have to put this.

Small TW, graphic violence. Basically a little blood.

Y/n's POV

All I can remember is Chase wanting to talk to me and then him injecting somthing in me. Nothing else.


"What's going on?!" Brees' shouts echoed the halls of my old home.

"Y/n? Why..." Chase asked, his voice weak as blood dripped from his nose and mouth.

"We trusted you!" Leo shouts as he flopped, motionless onto the floor.

"Go on A-1. Kill them. They never trusted you, they never liked you, they never exepted you. I will always be here though, I will always be watching." Kranes voice bounced off of the steal walls.

" Kranes voice bounced off of the steal walls

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"you were never like us Y/n..." Adam wisper shouted as all 4 of the teenagers stood up, their faces still pail and dripping with blood.

"You will never be accepted at the academy..." Leo said as they staggered and limped towards me. I tryed to run but my feet were somehow glued to the floor.

"Mhmm. Hmph hmgh!!" I tryed to scream and shout but all that came out was a muffled, quiet noise. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I crouched down and finally let out a cry.

"I didn't do anything." I cryed into my knees as they began to circle me.

"y/n... y/n... Y/N!" I woke up to see Chase standing over me with a worried expression on as I let out a long and hard sigh. The tears were wiped from my cheeks and I was pulled into a hug.

"Nightmare?" Chase asked as I sobbed into his jacket, I nodded my head as my grip tightened on the fabric.

"It was horrible, I-i had hurt you guys, and, Krane he-" I let out another sob followed by a sniffle as I re-burried my head in Chases chest. I finally looked up to take in my surroundings.

"He what, Y/n?" I looked back at Chase and into his brown eyes. It was just me and him in the mentors room.

"Chase what time is it?"

"Y/n... What did Krane do? You know, in your dream?"

"Fine, he made me try to kill you. And he said something about watching me? I don't know..." I replyed and the colour from Chases face drained. What was he thinking?

"Chase how long was I asleep?" I asked and he looked at me as the colour came back into his face.

"About a day. Look, I'm really sorry about kissing you and then inect-" What kiss?! Did me and Chase kiss? When? Where? HOW?!

"what kiss?" I tryed my hardest to look nonchalant but was failing misribly, I couldn't help but grin.

"Huh? What? N-no, there was- we didn't! No, no, we didn't kiss! What?" His laugh as awkward and uneasy. If we didn't kiss, then what did we do? Obviously something happened because Chase is a terrible liar.

"Ok? But, if not that then... What are you apologising for?" I was so confused, why was Chase sorry? Did he do something?

"Nothing, it's fine, don't worry. Just know that you can have your chip back tomorrow and that Douglas has sorted your headache problem." I leaped into Chases arms. I dont really know why. But I gave him one of my signature 'Yay!' grins, he, yet again, chuckled at my antics.

Just when I escaped Chases grip the others walked into the room and I had a flash back of my dream. Their faces flashed and I saw their pail skin and bloody noses.

"hey (1st initial), you ok?" Bree asked as she walked over and sat next to me on the sofa.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare..." I said as I snapped out of my daze. Bree hugged me tight and whispered "That sucks, I'm sorry." In my ear.

"what was it about?" Leo asked me and I looked up and him once Bree let go.

"Um... I-it doesn't matter, don't worry about it." I looked over at Chase and he had a confused expression slapped on his face. I shrugged at him as Adam got our attention.

"ohhhh, was it about a bear taking your food and then dancing around? I hate that one." He growled and I laughed a little when Leo spoke.

"Y/n, you can stay in here for the night if you want, we came in here to sleep." I nodded my head and smiled at Leo as a spark came flying out of my fingers.

"What the!" I said as I covered my fingers as It blasted again making the smell of burning flesh float in the air.

"Maybe it's a glitch? You can take my capsule tonight Y/n." Chase offered and I shook my head.

"What? No, no. I can't take your capsule, you need it." I replied and Bree spoke up.

"just sleep in the same capsule!" She said as she climbed into the glass.

"Fine, after you." Chase said and he held up one arm, Jesturing towards the open door. I stepped in as he followed. I could feel his warm breath on my head as he leaned against me. Chase wrapped his arms around my shoulders and my face was pulled into his chest. I could feel my face warm up as my heart beat faster. I tensed up a little but started to relax into his arms when he let out a long and sleepy sigh. Chase rested his head on my shoulder and fell asleep almost immediately. Not long after, I did too.

(I can't find many good ones atm so

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(I can't find many good ones atm so... here ig)

(965 words)

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