Chapter 15

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Y/ns POV

I looked down at my feet as my eyes widened. Just below them was ice, forming on the surface of the water. I got up and broke my toes away from the hardened liquid. Chase kept staring down at the water, his mouth, opening and closing for him to speak but nothing came out.

"Y/n! you just found a new bionic ability!" Bree shouted with and exasperated tone, I looked up to see Her, Leo and Adam looking down at the water with me and Chase. I could feel my heart quicken.

"That's so cool!" Leo squeeled and looked up to me with the biggest smile.

"Nice!" Adam said and fist bumped the air a little.

"I have a feeling that my bionics aren't just the elements... What if it's like, three sections?" Chase looked up and wagged his finger at me.

"You've got a point there Y/n... What if Water, Fire and Air were categories, see, the ice would fit in the water section, the same with the super swimming..." Chase thought for a second before looking back up at us.

"Y/n, I have a feeling you might be a lot more powerful than we presumed." He continued. I could feel the excitement well up inside me.

"Wait so... How are we going to get home?" Leo asked Chase and he grinned slightly.

"Y/n, I need you to freeze a path for us... Along the water!" Chase was also containing his excitement. I couldn't help but laugh at his actions. He raised an eye brow at me and I copied him making him jump back a little.

"Wait but... What if something goes wrong? I litterly got this like 5 minutes ago." I laughed and faced my friends. They all exchanged looks and then picked me up and threw me at the water. I closed my eyes and braced for the water impact but all that came was a soft, cold, and crunchy landing. I opened my eyes to see me sitting on a pile of snow that was on top of a large patch of ice.

Chases POV
Me, Leo, Bree and Adam looked at each other and walked up to Y/n. I picked up her waist as Bree and Leo got her arms and Adam, legs. I mentally cringed as we threw her at the water. Suddenly Ice started to form on the water and a big pile of snow forming ontop of it. Y/n landed in it and looked at us with an angry expression.

*that might not have been the best idea...* I thought to myself as I saw snow flakes come down from a small cloud that had formed above her head. One flake landed on Y/n's nose, She went cross eyed and sneezed it off. I could feel my cheeks warm as I covered the bottom half of my face and turned away. I could feel Brees eyes on me as I composed myself. I turned around to see Leo and Adam helping her onto the wooden planks.

"Oh thank god that didn't kill me-" I gave her a confused face and Imidiatly wish I ran away instead.

"Cos now- I can kill you!" She said with a grin and ran after us. We lost track of time, we spent the rest of the day having fun, running around, Leah and Y/n went shopping while they made me and the boys carry their bags... Fun.

At one point me and Y/n were left alone while the others did who knows what. We ended up talking about her bionics.

"Chase, what other bionics do you think I have?" She asked me and I looked up from my lap. We were back in the park from earlier today.

"I don't know, but I would think you'd probably have quite a few. You obviously have the normal elements, but theres also co-bionics, if that makes sense." I replied and Y/n nodded her head in agreement. I smiled at Y/n's thinking face, her nose was scrunched a little and I couldn't help but blush. She looked up and I turned my head away.

"Heyy- whats up?" Bree asked as she skipped up to me and Y/n with Adam and Leo by her side.

"Talking about my bionics." Y/n said with a big smile, I looked down at my phone and realized how late it really was.

"Guys, Mr. Davenport wanted us back at 6pm... IT'S 8PM!" I say with a hurried tone as I saw Bree and Leo jump back abit.

"Y/n, we need you to make us the path now..." I turned to Y/n and her smile dropped. She sighed and stood up.

"Fine, but, if you drown... Not my fault." She deadpaned and walked off with us following her in a speed walk. As we reached the water, Y/n stepped down and took a deep breath before sliding along the ice that appeared wherever she walked. We all cautiously stepped down and started to slip and slide along, we got confused and worried looks from multiple people at the mainland, but their faces just became dots after a while.

When we got back, we walked along with beach and found our way back up and into the academy. We stepped into the main room to be greated by Mr. Davenports screach.


The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now