chapter 26

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I know I put in the last few chapters "season 1"  but there won't be a "season 2" so I might just replace it... Also, sorry i keep forgetting to update! But, like i keep saying, there might only be 1 or 2 more chapters left to write, and i would just like to say a massive thank you to you all who have read my book. I might write a sequel... you never know.
And sorry for the EXTREMELY late update, I've been back to school and have been a little busy.

Chases POV

My smile vanished almost immediately as the bars raised and a vine was shot at me and twisted around my neck, my hands tugged at the leaves as choked sobs left my mouth which was hanging open in an effort to get some oxygen. I felt my feet lift from the floor as the strain on my neck got tighter. Another tear left my eye, except this time, it wasn't of joy. Black spots appeared in my vision as Y/ns figure rose to my height and lifted my chin a little as I still struggled to breathe. 

"Poor little Chase... It's a shame really, you arent that bad-looking... I'm sure the old Y/n would've loved you, hm?"

She looked into my eyes as I felt all the blood rush to my brain. More choking sounds left my mouth as a low and evil-sounding one left hers. She turned around still floating in mid-air. Out of the corner of my eye, just before I blacked out, I saw something move. Sebastian. That was the last thing i thought about before all went dark.

~3 hour time skip~

My head was throbbing, my ears were ringing, I couldn't feel anything, physically, to be specific, from my toes to my shoulders, I couldn't move. It was only when my eyes focused that I realized where I was. In the middle of a dark room, completely empty, only lit by one dim, flickering light bulb.

"And he wakes!" A familiar voice echoed through the walls, as my eyes adjusted to the light, and I gained the feeling back in my body, I stood up and my eyes widened at the sight that lay in front of me. One tunnel one all for walls. And if I was correct, and I always am, they all led to a maze. And a difficult one at that. But with my super intelligence, I should get out of here in no time.

"This the best you can do? Common Krane! You gotta get better than this!" I shouted at no specific point. Another low chuckle was left bouncing around the room as I turned in a circle, trying to pin point where the sound was coming from. A screen lowered in front of me, and a bright light flashed at me as it turned on to reveal Y/n, tied to a chair, gagged and screaming. Her face was stained with tears as a gun was brought to her temple.

"Make your way through the maze, give up your chip, and save the love of your life. And there is only one rule... Survive."

And so it began.

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now