Chapter 22

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Y/ns POV

"Give Y/n back to me... And I shall let these suvilians go" The familiar voice boomed as the dim lights flickered on to reveal Krane Holding a mother and little boy, suspended in the air on either side of him. My heart beat faster and faster as my mind flicked through things that could potentially happen.

I grabbed Chases hand and looked up to see his emotionless expression. I wrapped my arms around his and he place his free hand on my upper arm, in an effort to comfort me.

"Listen here Krane! You will never, and I mean NEVER lay your filthy hands on her. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He shouted as murmuring and hushes filled the air. I always wandered what was so special about me, that made Krane want me to be his little weapon. I mean, I understand I'm amazing and all... But, you know. That's a little creepy. I can also see that Mr. Davenport has made a bit of an influence...

"Young love," The room filled with silence was now being flooded by the horrific cackles of Krane. Once he had walked into the light, my heart sank as I saw Sebastian trailing behind him. How could he do this to us... How could he do this to me. My ears began to ring as I made eye contact with my creator. Everything began to spin as I felt my body lift from the floor. I threw my head back in pain as the crushing of my bones began. It seemed as though it went on for eternity, until it stopped, and I opened my eyes.

"How dare you hurt my daughter!" Krane boomed at Chase, who had the biggest smirk pulling at his lips. I could feel my heart shatter into 1 million pieces. So it was all in my head, they really were the bad guys... As I was sunk in my thoughts I didn't see Chase aiming a Lazer at my head, and with that, everything went black.

Chases POV

"How dare you hurt her!" I shouted as Y/n slowly rose from the ground, I rushed over to help her up only to be met by the Peircing  green glow that came from her eyes. No, no, this could not be happening. A tear escaped her eye as my gaze met hers. Her expression went blank as she stood, stiff in her place.

"No, no... No! God dammit Y/n! Come back, please. Please I cant- no, please Y/n." I couldn't loose her, not now. I need her, I need her to stay. Before I could say anything else, she slapped my hand away and walked in front of Krane who had the biggest grin painted on his face. He dropped the little boy and his mother as Sebastian handed him some type of gun, I used my force field to protect her but Y/n shoved me aside,

"Father." She said bluntly as a Lazer was shot at her head and screams filled the room. Everything seemed to slow down as I watched her fall to the ground, her pale, lifeless body lay limp in amongst the rampaging groups. A single tear escaped my eye as I looked at what once was Y/n. How could I let this happen, I was supposed to look after her, I was supposed to be there to protect her.

All the memories of us flooded into my mind as my heart shattered.

"My name is Chase... "

"Y- Y/n"
"You did it Y/n! I'm so proud of you!"
"I still don't understand this hug thing"

"You don't know what a hug is?"
"You scared the hell outta me!"

"Get the hell away from her!"
"I really like you Y/n"

More and more tears came as everything came back. A shadow was cast over my body as I looked up and into the bright green eyes of Sebastian. My blood boiled as he smirked and looked over at Y/n.
"It's a shame really... She was such a giving person."

I could feel the anger surge inside of me as my Lazer beam shot from my hand and hit him up in the chin.
And here we go...

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