Chapter 21

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I just wanted to let you guys know that the book will be coming to a close in the next 5 chapters, it could be less or more! I haven't figured it out yet. AGAIN! THIS CHAPTER INCLUDES HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT! I AM PAN BUT STILL DON'T LIKE USING THIS LANGUAGE!

Y/ns POV

We were waiting in line, there were some stares coming from random strangers and Chase got more and more uncommon by the second. I looked down to see him tapping his thigh nervously, Without question or warning, I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"You are gonna be fine..." I whispered in his ear and hugged him tightly. After a little while, just before the line started moving again, I felt something hard coming from one of Chases pockets, I let go of him and raised an eyebrow.

"What have you got in your pocket? It's kinda big don't you think?" His face went bright read and he placed one of his hands over the other and hovered them right in front of his crotch. That's weird. Wait... Hang on, Chase is wearing a skirt. He doesn't have pockets... Oh shit.

"Oh..." I chuckle and scratch the back of my neck, I cant tell whether it was because of me, or because of puberty. Either way, we received some... Interesting, looks from some mothers that walked out with their children. A few times I got fed up with it, now being one of them.

"OI! NASTY FAGGOT!" Came a loud shout from across the room, directed straight at Chase, my blood began to boil as he stuttered at the sudden outburst of anger from this, you guessed it, old white guy. I began to stride over to the guys as my hands began to shake. I didn't stop her from coming, he hurt Chase. This is the only time... I am letting Max out.

Chases POV

I didn't know what to do, I knew I shouldn't have worn this skirt... This is my fault, I brought this apon myself. I stutter over my words as the feeling of being vuntable took over me. Just out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Y/ns hand shaking, just like when her Comando system took over... Oh no. Max.

I looked up as Y/n, or should I say Max, was storming over to the man who was sipping his slurpy. He was quite an Unertractive man, his hair had faided away so there was a bald patch on top of his head, He had a white T-shirt that had grease stains covering it, there was a tight, blue, demim jacket that just fit over his shoulders. The belt that precariously hung from his un-ziped jeans was broken and disintegrating.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Y/n boomed as all eyes turned to them. The man just chuckled and continued to anger Max.

"Go back to the kitchen girl..." He looked around for back up but all he received was horrified looks and a few murders.

"We're children you absolute arse hole!" She said again and I smirked at her reaction. There we're chats around as Max grabbed the man's Coller and tugging him down to her height. His eyes widened as he dropped his drink. I knew at that point that I needed to butt in.

"Y/n. Y/n... Look at me, hey... Hey" I cup her face and smile, I step closer as her eyes settle a little. Her y/e/c orbs flick from one side of my face to the other. She's searching again...
"You're ok, I'm ok... It's just his opinion." I disagreed hugely with what I was saying, the man had shouted a slur at us in front of multiple familys, only making himself look foolish, and then getting shouted at by a teenager. I mean... That's kinda humiliating if you ask me.

"But he... He hurt you." Her deeper voice settling down as she quickly flickered back.
"Theres my girl..." I whisper and kiss the top of her head, I place my chin on top of her head as she wrapped her arms around my waist. Yes, I do know that there were people watching us, and frankly, I didn't care. I turned my head to face the homophobic ass hole, to see him running out of the building with three security guards chasing after him.

"I like you too Chase." I heard Y/n say faintly into my chest. The biggest smile appeared on my face, Y/n likes me... I couldn't process what was happening properly because our moment was interrupted.
There was a loud scream as all the lights went out and a voice came booming from the speakers.

I knew exactly who it was...

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